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Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Owl That Stalks The Netherlands- Berlin Morgenpost



"Terror Owl" picks up people in the Netherlands

It has been known by sharks. Or from crows. But now an owl attacked people. His hunting ground is located very near Amsterdam.
Photo: AP
Hier sieht er ganz friedlich aus, doch der Eindruck täuscht: Dieser Uhu versetzt eine ganze Kleinstadt in Angst und Schrecken
Here he looks so peaceful, but appearances can be deceptive: This owl puts a whole town in fear
An aggressive owl offset the inhabitants of a small Dutch town in fear: For several weeks, the 75-centimeter-tall bird engages people in and around Purmerend on. Purmerend lies just 20 kilometers north of Amsterdam.
The owl pounces on his human prey, digs his claws into it and tried to tear flesh from them.Hardest hit is a home for handicapped people.
Around 20 people have been attacked by the "terror Owl". That said a spokeswoman for the dormitory. The wounds of some victims had to be sewn.
One of the victims told a Dutch television, it was a painful experience. It had so felt as if a studded with nails brick had been thrown on the head.

People should protect themselves with umbrellas - especially at night

The authorities of the city of Purmerend warned their citizens already, to stay away from the bird.When the evening - the time when the owl was the most active - were on their way, they should take to protect screens.
The city issued a permit to capture the bird that belongs to a protected species. Experts suggest that the owl was raised in captivity: Such aggressive behavior is unusual for wild owls. In addition, this species is usually not found in the area.
Source: AP, valley
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