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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Der Spiegel- Silicon Valley and Other Stories

Tomorrowland: How Silicon Valley Shapes Our Future

Tomorrowland: How Silicon Valley Shapes Our Future
In the Silicon Valley, a new elite is forming that wants to determine not only what we consume, but also the way we live. They want to change the world, but they don't want to accept any rules. Do they need to be reined in? By Thomas Schulz more... Comment ]
SPIEGEL E-Book: 1914 - 2014. The Disturbing Relevance of World War I
  • Even a century after the outbreak of World War I, its consequences can still be felt. SPIEGEL explored this phenomenon in a recent series, using World War I as the starting point for observing conditions today in a number of the world's regions. These included the role of the United States as a superpower and global police force, the ongoing failure of peace efforts in the Middle East and the as yet unresolved ethnic divisions in the Balkans last manifested in the Bosnian War. In the 12 features, now compiled as an E-Book, SPIEGEL reporters describe the effects of the primal catastrophe of the 20th century that remain present today.
  • Edited By Alfred Weinzierl and Klaus Wiegrefe:
    1914 - 2014The Disturbing Relevance of World War I.
  • Buy the E-Book for $3.49

Greeks in the Crisis'We Need To Explain Ourselves'

Greeks in the Crisis: 'We Need To Explain Ourselves'
What hopes and fears has the new government in Greece awakened, and how bad are relations with Germany? Four weeks after the election, SPIEGEL sat down to discuss the situation with six Greek people from different walks of life.  more... Comment ]

Postwar RapeWere Americans As Bad as the Soviets?

Postwar Rape: Were Americans As Bad as the Soviets?
In the popular imagination, American GIs in postwar Germany were well-liked and well-behaved. But a new book claims that US soldiers raped up to 190,000 women at the end of World War II. Is there any truth to the controversial claim? By Klaus Wiegrefe more... Comment ]

Family FeudThe Tortured Relationship between Schäuble and Varoufakis

Family Feud: The Tortured Relationship between Schäuble and Varoufakis
Athens relented in the end. But prior to the compromise deal allowing for an extension of Greece's bailout program, Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis and his German counterpart Schäuble engaged in a bitter battle for supremacy. By Nikolaus Blome, Christian Reiermann and Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

The Warming WorldIs Capitalism Destroying Our Planet?

The Warming World: Is Capitalism Destroying Our Planet?
World leaders decided in Copenhagen that global warming should be limited to 2 degrees Celsius. Achieving that target, though, would take nothing less than a miracle. With another round of climate negotiations approaching, it is becoming increasingly clear that mankind has failed to address its most daunting problem. By Alexander Jung, Horand Knaup, Samiha Shafy and Bernhard Zand more... Comment ]

SPIEGEL Interview with Naomi Klein'The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming'

SPIEGEL Interview with Naomi Klein: 'The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming'
Can we still stop global warming? Only if we radically change our capitalist system, argues author Naomi Klein. In an interview with SPIEGEL, she explains why the time has come to abandon small steps for a radical new approach. Interview Conducted by Klaus Brinkbäumermore... Comment ]

'Risk Has Gotten Greater'German Jews Advised Against Wearing Kippah

'Risk Has Gotten Greater': German Jews Advised Against Wearing Kippah
How anti-Semitic is Germany? The Central Council of Jews is warning members of the community against wearing traditional head coverings. It is a precaution that 26-year-old Mark Krasnov has been taking for some time. By Peter Maxwill in Berlin more... Comment ]

Community ResponseA Danish Answer to Radical Jihad

Community Response: A Danish Answer to Radical Jihad
The murders in Copenhagen have refocused attention on a thorny question for Europe: How can radical jihadists returning from Syria be reintegrated? The Danish city of Aarhus may have found an answer. By Manfred Ertel and Ralf Hoppe more... Comment ]

A Threat to EuropeThe Islamic State's Dangerous Gains in Libya

A Threat to Europe: The Islamic State's Dangerous Gains in Libya
Rival militias in Libya have thrown the country into civil war and made it easy prey for the Islamic State. The recent execution of 21 Egyptian Christians is only one sign of the terrorist group's growing footprint in North Africa. By Mirco Keilberth and Christoph Reuter more... Comment ]

News LabJeff Bezos Takes Washington Post into Digital Future

News Lab: Jeff Bezos Takes Washington Post into Digital Future
A spirit of enthusiasm has infused the office of the once troubled Washington Post following its purchase in August by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. He is turning the newspaper into a laboratory for the digital future. Can he save a sick industry? By Isabell Hülsen more... Comment ]

OpinionThe Terror in Our Cities

Opinion: The Terror in Our Cities
Israel is the first democracy to have extensive experience with Islamist terrorism. Before recent attacks on our own soil, Europeans loved nothing better than scorning the Jewish state's efforts to address terror. In the future, we may need to turn to the Israelis for advice.  By Jan Fleischhauer more... Comment ]

'Guantanamo of the East'Ukraine Locks Up Refugees at EU's Behest

'Guantanamo of the East': Ukraine Locks Up Refugees at EU's Behest
Brussels is doing all it can to prevent refugees from reaching Fortress Europe, with initiatives like funding the construction of internment centers in Ukraine. Asylum seekers who have spent time there report miserable conditions and abuse.  By Maximilian Popp more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Losing the Battle against Global WarmingBattling Extremism in AarhusEuro Poker
The Coming Technology Revolution
Can Internet 'Demigod' Save Newspaper?The Eastern Route to EuropeSpeaking about the Greek Tragedy

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