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Monday, November 17, 2014

France 24 International- Identify Jihadist Doing Beheadings

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22:35 (Paris time) AFRICA NEWS


State of emergency declared ahead of Ferguson ruling

Protesters hold flags and placards during a rally on what organizers call a

Over 10,000 Hungarians stage anti-corruption protest

On The Observers
On The Observers

Anti-Ebola kits sold on black market in Guinea


Paris votes against controversial new skyscraper

Dr Martin Salia, a surgeon infected with the Ebola virus while working in Sierra Leone, arrives at the Nebraska Medical Center on November 15, 2014

Sierra Leone doctor dies of Ebola in US hospital


Burkina's ex-foreign minister named interim president


Video: German football hooligans join far-right protests


Iranian pop idol’s funeral draws massive crowds in Tehran


Japan's economy unexpectedly slips into recession

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    'No Syrian expected the crisis to last this long'
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  • Europe - Video: German football hooligans join far-right protests

    Europe - Video: German football hooligans join far-right protests

    *** Antifa! They're just a bunch of fascist cunts. Ironic? I know. They support politically correct police states.
    from Jakub, 6 hours 47 minutes ago
  • France24 - Live

    France24 - Live

    The EU/Nato is a bully supporting an illegal Ukrainian govt. Stop blaming Russia and start talking and stop killing the Eastern Ukraine people and support their request for freedom. - Jared
    from Jared Budner, 7 hours 38 minutes ago
  • France - Paris studio shrinks shoppers into 3D-printed figurines

    France - Paris studio shrinks shoppers into 3D-printed figurines

    Great for wedding cakes. Given the cost of a wedding it's a small price to pay - PLUS if you want to get divorced all you need to do is melt your partner's image in the oven!!!
    from OlmGuy2014, 12 hours 11 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Australia’s Abbott vows to confront Putin over Flight MH17

    Asia-pacific - Australia’s Abbott vows to confront Putin over Flight MH17

    The U.K. (David Cameron) and the U.S. (Barrack Obama) have involved Australia, Canada and the E.U. in the dirtiest lie and execrable cover up since the Nazi and Soviet regimes; using their propaganda weapon of deceit and deception to draw attention away from the fact that the junta in Kiev was directly guilty of shooting down MH17. Effectively becoming accessories after the fact.
    from ABDELKADER EL HAMDAOUI, 12 hours 54 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Putin leaves G20 summit early citing ‘need to sleep’

    Asia-pacific - Putin leaves G20 summit early citing ‘need to sleep’

    The U.K. (David Cameron) and the U.S. (Barrack Obama) have involved Australia, Canada and the E.U. in the dirtiest lie and execrable cover up since the Nazi and Soviet regimes; using their propaganda weapon of deceit and deception to draw attention away from the fact that the junta in Kiev was directly guilty of shooting down MH17. Effectively becoming accessories after the fact.
    from ABDELKADER EL HAMDAOUI, 12 hours 58 minutes ago
  • Middle east - In pictures: Life goes on amid the rubble in Aleppo

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    An American from Seattle has been detained by Syrian internal security forces on suspicion of being an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency. Eric L Helpenstell of Seattle, Washington was held in Aleppo prison for 6 days undergoing questioning as to his presence in Syria. Helpenstell, a one time employee of the agency in Langley, Virginia was quoted as saying “I do not work for the agency…you can call them yourselves” He was ejected from Damascus and placed on a plane to Cyprus regardless. Syrian authorities maintain that he was on a list of “known” operatives and cited the sophistication of his electronic devices in addition as evidence of his presence. Helpenstell reported that he was on an overland trip from Damascus to Amman, Jordan to visit clients. While Mr. Helpenstell claims he is an emergency services manager, sources inform us of his graduation from the United States Naval War College in Rhode Island as well as a former commission as a Lt. Commander in the Intelligence Service.
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    I ( like many Australians) am so embarrassed by the government of Australia, led by Tony Abbott,our most backwards non thinking prime minister yet -refuses to believe in or assist with global warming,Aboriginal deaths in custody and too many other social issues that are threatening our way of life,he is Australia's biggest terrorist and his opinions and beliefs are not held by me ,just needed to say this so that international readers can realise that not all Australians are so misinformed as the Prime Minister that we are stuck with at the moment.
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    Napoleon while having very good generals was very much like Adolf Hitler in a very controlling way, and inept to boot. Even Blucher the Austrian cavalryman was better than Napoleon at 70-years of age. In point of fact Napoleon was the greatest failure in history and was grossly over rated to the point of insanity by some who had no idea about history.
    from Kenneth T. Tellis, 17 hours 58 minutes ago
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    The desperate ramblings of a has-been loser trying to win over the hard-right by stripping gays and lesbians of equality before the law. Stripping the rights of minorities is not leadership, its cowardice.
    from petermcdermott, 19 hours 13 minutes ago
  • Europe - Sarkozy wants to scrap France’s gay marriage law

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    Good Man!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 19 hours 40 minutes ago
  • Europe - Kiev suspends state services in rebel-held east

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    And the West will whine when Russia helps them!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 1 day 21 hours 10 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Putin 'to leave G20 early' after West slams Russia over Ukraine

    Asia-pacific - Putin 'to leave G20 early' after West slams Russia over Ukraine

    Stand firm Mr Putin!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 1 day 21 hours 10 minutes ago
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