Translation from English

Thursday, April 24, 2014

News from Der Spiegel Online

Soviet Yearnings: Hopes Rise in Transnistria of a Russian Annexation

Soviet Yearnings: Hopes Rise in Transnistria of a Russian Annexation
Fabian Weiß/ DER SPIEGEL
Transnistria is the only place in Europe that still uses the hammer and sickle on its flag. Now that Russia has annexed Crimea and is eyeing eastern Ukraine, many in the breakaway Moldovan republic hope that they are next on Moscow's agenda. By Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

Weapon of Last Resort ECB Considers Possible Deflation Measures

Weapon of Last Resort: ECB Considers Possible Deflation Measures
Though the European Central Bank continues to play down deflation concerns, it is preparing measures to combat falling prices in the event of an emergency. Are the growing fears warranted? By Christian Reiermann and Anne Seith more... Comment ]

What Germany Left Behind A Feeling of Abandonment in North Afghanistan

What Germany Left Behind: A Feeling of Abandonment in North Afghanistan
Six months ago, Germany's military withdrew from Kunduz in northern Afghanistan. Since then, regional security has eroded and many of those left behind feel abandoned. Some say that the departure came too soon. By Nicola Abé more... Comment ]

The Propaganda War Opposition Sings Kremlin Tune on Ukraine

The Propaganda War: Opposition Sings Kremlin Tune on Ukraine
The propaganda war in the Ukraine crisis has spawned a renewal Russian nationalism, with members of the opposition and the intellectual class suddenly praising President Putin. Many in Russia are accepting the Kremlin's official line uncritically. By Christian Neef and Matthias Schepp in Moscow more... Comment ]

Mistrust and Hate The Frightening New Lives of Homosexuals in Uganda

Mistrust and Hate: The Frightening New Lives of Homosexuals in Uganda
On Feb. 24, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed a law allowing for life sentences for homosexuals. Since then, members of the country's gay and lesbian community have been going into hiding or leaving the country. Western pressure has been ineffective. By Jan Puhl in Kampala, Uganda more... Comment ]

Europe's African Refugee Crisis Is the Boat Really Full?

Europe's African Refugee Crisis: Is the Boat Really Full? Photos
Since Italy began rescuing Africans from the Mediterranean after the last major tragedy in October, the number of refugees coming to Europe has risen dramatically. Fears of economic immigrants could become a top issue in Europe's spring election. By SPIEGEL Staff more...

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