Translation from English

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Poem for Easter- Wislawa Szymborska + biography=-

 Wislawa Szymborska won the Nobel Prize for poetry in 1996.

Poetry has many functions, and can express an infinite number of moods and musings...

The best poetry is recognizable to people across lines of nationality, class and captures the fact that we are, after all, cut from the same cloth.

Szymborska was notorious for throwing away poems she did not feel lived up to her own standards. She died at age 88, a peaceful death through someone who had lived through all sorts of tumult, including what one person called that "hell of hells," World War II in Poland.

I recently ran this with a bunch of her other poems and it struck me today how appropriate it is for Easter, especially in the world as we find ourselves in 2014..
The End and the Beginning

After every war
someone has to tidy up.
Things won't pick
themselves up, after all.

Someone has to shove
the rubble to the roadsides
so the carts loaded with corpses
can get by.

Someone has to trudge
through sludge and ashes,
through the sofa springs,
the shards of glass,
the bloody rags.

Someone has to lug the post
to prop the wall,
someone has to glaze the window,
set the door in its frame.

No sound bites, no photo opportunities,
and it takes years.
All the cameras have gone
to other wars.

The bridges need to be rebuilt,
the railroad stations, too.
Shirtsleeves will be rolled
to shreds.

Someone, broom in hand,
still remembers how it was.
Someone else listens, nodding
his unshattered head.

But others are bound to be bustling nearby
who'll find all that
a little boring.

From time to time someone still must
dig up a rusted argument
from underneath a bush
and haul it off to the dump.

Those who knew
what this was all about
must make way for those
who know little.
And less than that.
And at last nothing less than nothing.

Someone has to lie there
in the grass that covers up
the causes and effects
with a cornstalk in his teeth,
gawking at clouds.

Wisława Szymborska

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wisława Szymborska-Włodek
Szymborska 2011 (1).jpg
Wisława Szymborska, Kraków, Poland 2011
Born 2 July 1923
Prowent, Poland (now Kórnik, Poland)
Died 1 February 2012 (aged 88)
Kraków, Poland
Nationality Polish
Notable award(s)
Spouse(s) Adam Włodek (1948–1954; divorced)
Wisława Szymborska-Włodek [viˈswava ʂɨmˈbɔrska] (2 July 1923 – 1 February 2012) was a Polish poet, essayist, translator and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature. Born in Prowent, which has since become part of Kórnik, she later resided in Kraków until the end of her life. She was described as a "Mozart of Poetry".[1][2] In Poland, Szymborska's books have reached sales rivaling prominent prose authors: although she once remarked in a poem, "Some Like Poetry" ("Niektórzy lubią poezję"), that no more than two out of a thousand people care for the art.[3]
Szymborska was awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality".[4][5] She became better known internationally as a result of this. Her work has been translated into English and many European languages, as well as into Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese and Chinese.


Wisława Szymborska was born on 2 July 1923 in Prowent, Poland (now part of Kórnik, Poland), the daughter of Wincenty and Anna (née Rottermund) Szymborski. Her father was at that time the steward of Count Władysław Zamoyski, a Polish patriot and charitable patron. After the death of Count Zamoyski in 1924, her family moved to Toruń, and in 1931 to Kraków, where she lived and worked until her death in early 2012.[2]

When World War II broke out in 1939, she continued her education in underground classes. From 1943, she worked as a railroad employee and managed to avoid being deported to Germany as a forced labourer.[2] It was during this time that her career as an artist began with illustrations for an English-language textbook. She also began writing stories and occasional poems. Beginning in 1945, she began studying Polish literature before switching to sociology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.[2] There she soon became involved in the local writing scene, and met and was influenced by Czesław Miłosz. In March 1945, she published her first poem "Szukam słowa" ("Looking for words") in the daily newspaper, Dziennik Polski. Her poems continued to be published in various newspapers and periodicals for a number of years.[2][6] In 1948, she quit her studies without a degree, due to her poor financial circumstances; the same year, she married poet Adam Włodek, whom she divorced in 1954 (they remained close until Włodek's death in 1986).[2]

Their union was childless. Around the time of her marriage she was working as a secretary for an educational biweekly magazine as well as an illustrator. Her first book was to be published in 1949, but did not pass censorship as it "did not meet socialist requirements". Like many other intellectuals in post-war Poland, however, Szymborska adhered to the People's Republic of Poland's (PRL) official ideology early in her career, signing an infamous political petition from 8 February 1953, condemning Polish priests accused of treason in a show trial.[7][8][9] Her early work supported socialist themes, as seen in her debut collection Dlatego żyjemy (That is what we are living for), containing the poems "Lenin" and "Młodzieży budującej Nową Hutę" ("For the Youth who are building Nowa Huta"), about the construction of a Stalinist industrial town near Kraków.[2] She became a member of the ruling Polish United Workers' Party.

Like many communist intellectuals initially close to the official party line, Szymborska gradually grew estranged from socialist ideology and renounced her earlier political work.[2] Although she did not officially leave the party until 1966, she began to establish contacts with dissidents.[2] As early as 1957, she befriended Jerzy Giedroyc, the editor of the influential Paris-based emigré journal Kultura, to which she also contributed. In 1964, she opposed a Communist-backed protest to The Times against independent intellectuals, demanding freedom of speech instead.[10]

In 1953, Szymborska joined the staff of the literary review magazine Życie Literackie (Literary Life), where she continued to work until 1981 and from 1968 ran her own book review column, called Lektury Nadobowiązkowe.[2] Many of her essays from this period were later published in book form. From 1981–83, she was an editor of the Kraków-based monthly periodical, NaGlos (OutLoud). In the 1980s, she intensified her oppositional activities, contributing to the samizdat periodical Arka under the pseudonym "Stańczykówna", as well as to the Paris-based Kultura. The final collection published while Szymborska was still alive, Dwukropek, was chosen as the best book of 2006 by readers of Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza.[2] She also translated French literature into Polish, in particular Baroque poetry and the works of Agrippa d'Aubigné. In Germany, Szymborska was associated with her translator Karl Dedecius, who did much to popularize her works there.


Wisława Szymborska died 1 February 2012 at home in Kraków, aged 88.[11] Her personal assistant, Michał Rusinek, confirmed the information and said that she "died peacefully, in her sleep".[1][12] She was surrounded by friends and relatives at the time.[2] Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski described her death on Twitter as an "irrepairable loss to Poland's culture".[2]

She was working on new poetry right until her death, though she was unable to arrange her final efforts for a book in the way she would have wanted. Her last poetry was published later in 2012.[6]


Szymborska frequently employed literary devices such as ironic precision, paradox, contradiction and understatement, to illuminate philosophical themes and obsessions. Many of her poems feature war and terrorism.[1][2][13] It is, however, important to note the ambiguity of her poetry. Although her poetry was influenced by her experiences, it is relevant across time and culture. She wrote from unusual points of view, such as a cat in the newly empty apartment of its dead owner.[2] Her reputation rests on a relatively small body of work, fewer than 350 poems. When asked why she had published so few poems, she said: "I have a trash can in my home".[1]

Pop culture

Szymborska's poem "Nothing Twice" turned into a song by composer Andrzej Munkowski performed by Łucja Prus in 1965 makes her poetry known in Poland, rock singer Kora cover of "Nothing Twice" was a hit in 1994.[2]
The poem "Love At First Sight" was used in the film Turn Left, Turn Right, starring Takeshi Kaneshiro and Gigi Leung.
Three Colors: Red, a film directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski, was inspired by Szymborska's poem, "Love At First Sight".[2]
In her last years Szymborska collaborated with Polish jazz trompeter Tomasz Stańko who dedicated his record Wisława (ECM, 2013) to her memory - taking inspiration for the compositions from their collaboration and her poetry.[14]

Major works

Wisława Szymborska and President Bronisław Komorowski at the Order of the White Eagle ceremony
  • 1952: Dlatego żyjemy ("That's Why We Are Alive")
  • 1954: Pytania zadawane sobie ("Questioning Yourself")
  • 1957: Wołanie do Yeti ("Calling Out to Yeti")
  • 1962: Sól ("Salt")
  • 1966: 101 wierszy ("101 Poems")
  • 1967: Sto pociech ("No End of Fun")
  • 1967: Poezje wybrane ("Selected Poetry")
  • 1972: Wszelki wypadek ("Could Have")
  • 1976: Wielka liczba ("A Large Number")
  • 1986: Ludzie na moście ("People on the Bridge")
  • 1989: Poezje: Poems, bilingual Polish-English edition
  • 1992: Lektury nadobowiązkowe ("Non-required Reading")
  • 1993: Koniec i początek ("The End and the Beginning")
  • 1996: Widok z ziarnkiem piasku ("View with a Grain of Sand")
  • 1997: Sto wierszy – sto pociech ("100 Poems – 100 Happinesses")
  • 2002: Chwila ("Moment")
  • 2003: Rymowanki dla dużych dzieci ("Rhymes for Big Kids")
  • 2005: Dwukropek ("Colon")
  • 2009: Tutaj ("Here")
  • 2012: Wystarczy ("Enough")
  • 2013: Błysk rewolwru ("The Glimmer of a Revolver")

Prizes and awards


See also

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