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Monday, February 1, 2016

Russia, Ukraine and Terrorists

Ukraine plans to join fight against Isis means troops could come up against Russian forces in Syria

Any troop deployment into Syria would be controversial in Kiev, not to mention in Europe

Ukraine has drawn up plans for a potential military contribution to the fight against Isis in Syria in a move that could also pit its troops against Russian forces in the Middle East.
An options paper drawn up by Ukraine’s defence ministry is to be discussed this week during a visit by US Defence Secretary Ash Carter, who has been touring the world gathering support for the war against the extremist jihadist group. 
According to those who have read it, the paper – produced at the behest of President Petro Poroshenko – highlights the possibility of Ukrainian forces coming up against Russian forces in Syria, and details potential contributions. 
A Ukrainian government source said: “We have prepared a range of options for our support against Isis including in Syria, which could include troops. It could result in potential clashes with Russians.”
Ukraine’s battle-hardened armed forces would relish such an opportunity. Ukraine has four special-forces regiments and a further unit of its Defence Intelligence Department – a total of 7,000 troops. It also has highly capable airborne troops, part of a mobilised army numbering 200,000, of which 40,000 are always on the country’s eastern front facing pro-Russian rebels.
In terms of Russian language skills and combating Russian tactics, Ukrainians are world leaders. However, any troop deployment into Syria would be controversial in Kiev, and require a parliamentary vote, with some arguing that Ukraine needs to focus on the rebels who pose a continuing threat in its east, despite the current military deadlock. It might also prove controversial in Europe. 
A senior military source in Ukraine’s capital said: “I would see a lot of hand wringing at Nato in Brussels.”


11 minutes ago
Most stories with the by line "Kiev" are fantasy and this one is no exception. The Ukrainian Army is one of the worst performing in the World. It lost 3 battles against insurgents after vowing to "annihilate" them in 2-3 days; that was nearly a year ago.
12 minutes ago

Sorry, More...
16 minutes ago
So what? Entourage ... are continuing to scoff at the Ukraine? How of Savchenko how over the woman? It is so excellent shows the full Russian "peace." Putin will not leave Ukraine alone and will not rest, if not destroy the unity of the EU, and not quarrel EU and the US. Russian (pro-Putin) troll jump out out of his pants by these "articles". A team of highly paid.
The refutation already on various websites -

40 minutes ago
Wonder who gave them that idea.
51 minutes ago
Really not sure why they think they'll clash with Russia.  They would both be fighting the Daesh (like almost everyone else) and (assuming the .01% chance this actually happens) would likely be operating in the more separate Kurdish theater and help extend control of the SDF administered territories.  I seriously, seriously doubt they are going to be working alongside rebel Islamist brigades like Jabhat al Nusra or Ahrar al Sham.

If the Ukranians think they can hold territory alone there, they'll be in for a rude awakening.  There's a reason neither the US or Russia are sending combat troops there.  Though I seriously doubt this proposal will pass considering the already dire financial situation the government is in.  They really don't seem to be in the position to commit to a long-term overseas war.
1 hour ago
What an appalling piece of propaganda.

The Independent grows more absurd every day.

You know what's the worst thing about the Independent's Russophobia?

It's owned by a Russian!
1 hour ago
Bilbo Baggins.

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