10 things we didn't know last week

  • 2 October 2015
VHS tapesImage copyrightThinkstock
1. Quentin Tarantino still records films from TV on VHS cassettes.
2. People tweet more egocentrically from phones than they do from computers.
3. Gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the UK are more likely to smoke than heterosexuals.
4. Getting into an ambulance to celebrate scoring a goal will earn you a yellow card in Argentina.
5. More than one person every minute is arrested for marijuana possession in the US.
6. Ten boroughs account for a quarter of all stamp duty collected in the UK - nine of them are in London.
7. Cyclists in a peloton school like fish.
8. The English composer Benjamin Britten wrote a national anthem for Malaysia, only for it to be rejected in favour of a cabaret tune.
9. Interstate 19 in Arizona is the US's only interstate highway where distances are measured in kilometres rather than miles.
10. The odds of developing cancer go up by 10% in men and 18% in women for every 10cm above 1m they are tall.
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