Rescued: migrants are released from the semi-trailer in Texas

Body cameras caught 40 trapped migrants

They were held in an unventilated semi-trailer for up to five hours

Video footage has been released of migrants who had been trapped for four to five hours in a sweltering semi-trailer in Texas. Sheriff’s deputies in Frio County were wearing body FULL STORY
ricardo monreal

Comrades in arms are now sworn enemies

The cannibalistic machinations of Mexico's Left

It was just a few days ago that Ricardo Monreal, the winning candidate in the election for chief of the Cuauhtémoc borough in Mexico City, assumed office. A member of the National FULL STORY
The Pyramid, another monument to waste

Costly and ill-fated monuments to waste

Coahuila has several public works projects that have served no useful purpose

Government spending on public works should bring beneficial results for both government and citizens, but in practice it often leads to useless monuments to delusion and waste. In Coahuila are found the latest examples in aFULL STORY
chris dalton, under the palapa

With extension cords, festivities go ahead

Buying a PV condo, step 15: It was Christmas 2011, and we were home

So here we were, my wife, two children (Olivia and James) and a seething me at Christmas 2011, and still not in our condo. We had been deserted by our FULL STORY
Toledo and his medal.

Voters approve center but battle continues

Opponents of Oaxaca convention center claim to have received death threats

A referendum on a controversial convention center in Oaxaca city has been concluded, but not so the controversy. The leading opponents of the facility, whose construction has already begun on FULL STORY
Volkswagen's Puebla plant.

VW workers worried as Saturday shifts cut

Hiring frozen as well, but work continues at Audi plant, due to open in 2016

There is fear over the future among employees at the Volkwagen assembly plant in the state of Puebla, but the governor remains optimistic, particularly as the company’s new Audi plantFULL STORY
García Montaño, presumed to be The Slasher.

Attacks carried out after inhaling solvent

'The Slasher' linked to attacks on seven, two of whom died

Authorities say they have arrested The Slasher of Chimalhuacán, a 20-year-old woman who used a knife to attack seven people, two of whom died as a result. Itzel Nayeli García FULL STORY
The museum in Mérida: international award winner.

Mexico wins 2 awards as cultural destination

Mérida museum, Mexico City recognized in Leading Cultural Destination awards

Mexico was recognized as a leading cultural destination last night when it earned two international awards at a ceremony in London, England. The Gran Museo del Mundo Maya in Mérida, FULL STORY
Shuttered: El Bronco puts a chain on the mansion's door.

New governor says no to luxury home, estate

'This was a house of arrogance, egotism and bad taste'

Austerity measures are under way in the state of Nuevo León, which included shuttering the governor’s digs this week. One of the first public acts of Jaime Rodríguez Calderón as the FULL STORY
Nuño: reforms here to stay.

Teachers plan strike in two states Monday

In Oaxaca and Guerrero, unions continue to press for dialogue

Education reform “is here to stay,” said the federal Education Secretary this week, but dissident teachers’ unions in Oaxaca and Guerrero continue to disagree. Leaders of the CNTE, in Oaxaca, FULL STORY
opium poppies

Poppy cultivation up 50% in Mexico: DEA

Drug enforcement chief says heroin consumption, fatal overdoses up as well

There has been a 50% increase in opium poppy cultivation in Guerrero and the Golden Triangle region — which takes in parts of Durango, Sinaloa and Chihuahua, triggering a big FULL STORY
Al Hussein

Let experts question military: rights chief

UN Human Rights Commissioner also urged armed forces be retired from policing

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has urged Mexico to allow questioning the military by an experts group that is conducting an inquiry into the Ayotzinapa investigation, and warned that FULL STORY