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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mashable Tablet Efficiency

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Creative, efficient ways to master mobile productivity from your smartphone or tablet

Everyone knows that you can work remotely from a laptop — but what about from a smartphone or tablet? 
The ability to work from anywhere is a major allure to today's class of young professionals and seasoned employees alike. And remote work isn't the only trend that's on the rise. In 2015, mobile device usage is skyrocketing: According to Pew research, 64% of American adults own a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011 — and the percentage is even higher among young adults.
These two trends aren't unrelated: Clearly, constant access to apps and emails that were once only accessible via laptop or PC is the leading cause of the rise of remote professionals. But a work-from-anywhere career structure requires the right tools, and getting creative with how you use your mobile device is one way to manage the challenges to productivity or time management that remote work can create.
Below, we've outlined a few ways your mobile devices can help you increase productivity, master time management skills and work from anywhere.

Genius portable external gadgets

Your choice of smartphone or tablet is obviously the most crucial tool to mastering mobile productivity, but pairing it with external gadgets and accessories can optimize certain functionalities and tasks, such as typing a long email response or taking a phone call on crowded public transit. 
Below are a few of the must-buy products that, if you don't already own (or haven't upgraded since 2010), are worth purchasing for efficiently navigating an increasingly digital world.
  • Bluetooth® headset: The Bluetooth® headset is the classic tech accessory. It’s fantastic for making calls on the go without compromising the use of your hands and is definitely a staple for any tech-savvy professional. It also enables you to multitask, without having to use your attention to balance your precious mobile device between your shoulder and ear.
  • Portable keyboard
    Typing out an extensive email or document isn't always easy on the built-in keyboard screen of your iPhone.
    Typing out an extensive email or document isn't always easy on the built-in keyboard screen of your iPhone. One way to keep your tablet or smartphone screen pristine is to purchase a reliable, portable keyboard that will give you all the typing functionality of a laptop. Mobile versions of these gadgets are available in compact models, so they're easy to pop into a messenger bag, purse or coat pocket.
  • Tablet or phone stands: If you'll be spending an extended amount of time staring at a tablet, it's a good idea to invest in a stand that can help improve your posture and allow you to use your device without awkwardly holding or hunching. These stands don't have to be fancy or bulky: Even something as simple as a few books stacked on top of one another can help improve posture and create a more optimal work set-up.
  • Bluetooth® mouse for your tablet: Hate getting your track pad or touchscreen dirty? Then this is the best invention for your cause. Not only are Bluetooth® mouse devices efficient for work purposes, they can add a whole new level to mastering your online gaming or social activities (after all, one of the keys to mastering productivity is taking periodic "me time" breaks).
  • Sturdy phone case: This one may seem like a no-brainer, but productivity becomes much more difficult when you're trying to decipher an email on a severely cracked phone or tablet screen. Protect your mobile devices the same way you would your laptop: With a sturdy case or covering and a screen protector.
  • Time management tools, tricks and apps

    In addition to external gadgets that can help streamline remote work and create a mobile office, there are a variety of apps, tools and services that can prove invaluable in a remote work setting.
    • Parallels Access 2.5: This tool can be a lifesaver for connecting your mobile devices with a laptop or PC when you're unable to access one while on the go. The platform enables users to access files and applications on multiple computers straight from their mobile devices. Using patented "applification" technology, Parallels Access lets you use desktop features and applications as if they were native to your mobile device.
    • Google Drive: There's a reason that Google's suite of applications including Google Docs is a go-to for Gmail users — not only are these tools simple to use and enable easy file-sharing, but they're accessible from any smartphone or tablet's mobile browser. Pro tip: Download the actual Gmail app instead of simply relying on your phone's default mail application. The Hangouts app is also handy for jumping on video calls when you're not near a computer.
    • Slack: In recent months, Slack has taken off as the premier resource for businesses and professionals not only using the platform in the office, but also seeking to join communities — work-related and otherwise — across time zones and geographical gaps. Download the Slack app for easy access to your various communities, and switch quickly among them.
    • Pair your smartphone with your tablet for a second screen: If a smartphone or laptop alone isn't enough screen space, combine the two and use both a smartphone and tablet in conjunction with one another to optimize your work set-up.
    • Notes: Once you've purchased an external keyboard, taking notes becomes a breeze from your mobile device. Whether you opt to use the traditional iPhone Notes app that comes pre-programmed on your phone or download a productivity-enhancing alternative, such as Evernote, is up to you.
    • Cal settings and functions: Keeping a tight, organized calendar within both your personal and professional life — particularly for those who work in remote settings or frequently find themselves multitasking and/or double-booked. Pro tip: You can use Google calendar offline. Turn on this feature so that you can access your appointments and view your calendar even when you're in a setting without WiFi.
    • Get creative with the use of alarms and Airplane Mode: If a calendar notification isn't enough to grab your attention or help you efficiently manage your time, consider setting periodic alarms either daily or for task-specific purposes. This way, you'll avoid letting any one task go over an allotted time period. Additionally, if you'll be using your mobile device for offline tasks, such as composing a document, consider putting it in Airplane Mode so that you're not tempted by texts or your unrelenting Candy Crush addiction.
    In a world where our devices can be our biggest distraction, they can also be our biggest and most versatile asset — particularly for those of us with an on-the-go lifestyle that's not conducive to lugging a laptop around everywhere we go. With the above hacks, tricks and gadgets, efficiency and productivity via mobile devices can become a reality for anyone.
    How do you master productivity using your mobile devices? Tell us in the comments.
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