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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Grist Environmental

Recent Posts


Victory! California guv signs bill to protect clotheslines

The Sunshine State reinforces its citizens' right to hang out their laundry in public with a new law.

New York’s JFK airport has an urban farm. Wait, what?

An urban garden opens outside JetBlue Airways' Terminal 5.

Solar power access looking a lot brighter in California

Thanks to a new bill, California is making low-income access to solar power happen on a larger scale than anywhere else in the country.

Pour a glass of booze and saddle up for this week’s birth control news

We're talking imprisoned mothers, late-term abortions, Amy Poehler, and apple cake for this week's Shots & Chasers.

Media disaster reporting can throw a wrench in the way you process disaster risk

A new study in Nature Climate Change suggests that news reports on natural disasters can actually reduce risk perceptions.

Self-driving cars are good. Too good

Google's driverless cars: The future is here and it just got rear-ended by the present.

Cities could be big players when it comes to cutting carbon emissions

When national governments fall short in their climate commitments, local governments can help make up ground.

Amazon makes a big play for the Etsy crowd

Want to buy artisan goods from a corporate behemoth? Amazon has you covered.

Good news: Wind energy is the cheapest energy source in Germany and the U.K.

Renewable energy sources are gaining ground on fossil fuels.

More Posts

This pumpkin shortage will be the scariest thing about Halloween

Thanks, climate change!

Coral reefs are looking pretty hot right now

Bleaching is back in a big way, and we're not just talking about Justin Bieber.

D.C.’s crap is finally being put to good use: Generating clean energy

Utility D.C. Water is turning poop into power.

Self-driving cars: Should we love them or hate them?

Is all the hype about self-driving cars taking attention away from more promising technologies? Umbra cruises through the facts.

The state of global climate finance is looking … not awful

A new report estimates that the world mobilized $62 billion in climate finance in 2014. The global goal is $100 billion annually by 2020.

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