Thanks to Chris Lýfstëinn for sharing this photo. E-mail your photos to
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Cathy Snook Love this show!!!!! smile emoticon 🚔
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Frank Lengele Jr. looks like my Track
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Thanks to the folks at U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Safety & Security Team - 91105 for sharing some great shots from San Francisco Fleet Week Bark at the Park event, which showcased the abilities of working dogs trained in a variety of specialties including search and rescue, explosives detection, narcotics detection, patrol, agriculture detection and many more. For more, see
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Tom Van Skike Jennifer Roberts. You need a dog like this.
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In "2015 AHA Update: A New Era?" EMS World columnist Mike Rubin presents a summary of 8 points in the new guidelines you'll want to study further, including therapeutic hypothermia, pediatric fluid administration and cervical collars: "Although many EMS systems halted casual spinal immobilization even before the AHA’s 2010 update, the 2015 edition specifically says 'routine application of cervical collars' is not recommended, and encourages first responders to just keep patients with suspected spinal injuries 'as still as possible.' Doing exactly that on my state’s exam 10 years ago would have been an automatic failure." Read more at
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Mass. Police Chief: Opioid Program saving Money, Cutting Crime. Five-month-old policy of steering opioid addicts into treatment programs rather than jails has saved local taxpayers an estimated $55,000 and brought a 23% drop in local related crimes.
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McKenzie Schmitt Addiction is a disease. No, it doesn't excuse theft, dui, etc, but it isn't simply a "moral defect" either.
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Joe Kassabian Wait, you mean just throwing users in jail for years with no treatment was a bad idea?!
LikeReply58 hrs
The hospital placed social workers in the ER full time. It then identified 313 so-called frequent fliers who visited Aurora Sinai's ER at least five times in four months. The social workers chose 39 people out of the 313 and spent the next eight months trying to change their habits so that when they get sick, they go to a primary care doctor or clinic rather than the ER.
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Lawrence Kreger This makes good sense.
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Mary-Louise Scott did the social workers also provide the money for the doctor visits? Unfortunately, people with no money go to the ER because they can't afford the doctors, even with insurance. With the ER they know they don't have to have the money when they walk in the door (and many times, never pay) but they still get taken care of.
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Obviously this deer didn't follow any of our Halloween safety tips.
Hays County Sheriff's Office
This morning Hays County Sheriff's Office Deputies Mark Andrews and Anthony Schafer (10/22/15) were dispatched to a welfare concern of a deer in distress in Wim...
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Matt Steele It's a white girl deer. Pumpkin everything
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Ken McLaughlin "DOE!" (in Homers voice)
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E-mail your vehicle photos...four-wheel, two-wheel, ground & for inclusion in this album. Please include your agency's name and location. Check out Rigs on the Road Part 1 at…#
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Metro Life Flight Just emailed our submission - awesome feature!
LikeReply5July 24 at 10:51am
Neurotrauma Review Series—Part 2: What Should a Neurologic Exam Entail? Like the cranial nerve exam, the short neurologic exam can be used effectively without knowing exactly which part of the spine goes with which exam finding. That said, taking the time to master this information can be useful in making the most of your exams. Like the cranial nerve exam, the neurologic exam works best if you are consistent and methodical.
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Al Pruden Maybe put some gloves on next time...
LikeReply813 hrs
Cindy Tait Shoes and socks off is best
Clonus + Babinski, Babinski Sign Positive & Ankle Clonus, Clonus y lesión cortical, Hyperreflexia and…
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A state regulator has ordered the removal of fentanyl from all ambulances in the region amid a local investigation into "unauthorized tampering" of the supply of the narcotic.
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Doug Bawden Isn't all tampering 'unauthorized'?
LikeReply513 hrs
Gino Garcia Lol "unauthorized tampering"
LikeReply614 hrs
"It is the one thing that is going to kill firefighters more than any building collapse."
Boston-based content marketing and advertising firm Embryo Creative’s film on the high rate of cancer deaths among Boston’s firefighters took home a Hatch Award.
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Premature Anne is a realistically proportioned 25 week preterm baby developed by Laerdal Medical in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Sonia Hall Bless it's little heart.
Niki Tippett That's a great learning tool
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