10 things we didn't know last week

  • 9 October 2015
African elephantImage copyrightScience Photo Library
1. Elephants almost never get cancer. 
2. Actor Brian Blessed delivered a baby in a park, bit through the umbilical cord and then licked the infant's face clean. 
3. Fire ants are surviving historic floods in South Carolina by making rafts. 
4. Jeremy Corbyn is a life-long reader of Rail Magazine.
5. A third of vegetarians eat meat when drunk on a night out.
6. Sea anemones could hold the key to immortality.
7. Lakes on Mars might have existed long enough for life to evolve. 
8. The suffragettes learnt the ancient martial art of jiu-jitsu. 
9. Britain is the best country in the world in which to die. 
10. The best way to remember a name is to say it to someone else. 
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