IPO:Schaeffler shares start over issue price

Schaeffler Automotive supplier shares
The stock market debut of the auto supplier from Franconia has started positively, increased the price of the share. This means that investors were previously quite skeptical.
TTIP Demonstration

FTA:TTIP - was not there what?

TTIP opponents call to Berlin to protest: They say the agreement does not bring much, was anti-democratic and bad for the consumer. Nonsense, says the economy.
Traders at the New York stock market
Blog herd instinct

Economy:shares are quite expensive

In stock prices stuck earnings expectations, which are given the lame economy hardly realize the company. The downturn on the stock markets is likely to continue.
Fünf Jahre Griechenlandkrise

Fünf Jahre Griechenlandkrise

Drei Hilfspakete. Vier Wahlen. Ein Referendum. Wie ein Land sich vorwärts quält.
Klicken zum Lesen

Die Offenbarung

April 2010: Griechenlands erster Krisen-Premier, der Sozialist Giorgos Papandreou, gesteht: "Wir brauchen Hilfe." Und die Euro-Krise beginnt.
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Merkozy – das schräge Pärchen

Merkozy – das schräge Pärchen

Anfangs tun sie sich schwer miteinander: Kanzlerin Merkel und Frankreichs Präsident Sarkozy. Doch Griechenland bringt sie zusammen.
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Oranges plantation Brazil

Orange:bitter orange

Today, there have been drinking a orange juice? Probably native of Brazil. The problem is that working conditions there are miserable and environmental standards lax.
A weaving in Vietnam

TPP:Europe will be abolished

They are afraid of TTIP? False feared. Europe's biggest danger is TPP. It summarizes the two most dynamic and promising regions in the world together.

Greece:Tsipras second chance

In Greece, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will start in the next term of office. Will he succeed in his country - again - the mood for a radical reform path?

Discover Jobs with perspective

Discover demanding jobs, career tips and interesting facts about the topic of work in the world TIME job market >>

Dax:Is the party over?

The German benchmark index has lost $ 400 million in value compared to April. The reasons are varied - an important role is played by VW.
Blog herd instinct

Economics:This is how capitalism

The authors of this blog mingle in the current macro-economic debate, helping trends in the capital markets to identify and warn of fallacies.
A photovoltaic array at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) Generates electricity for the lab on a sunny day near Boulder, Colorado July 21, 2010. The NWTC, located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains is A World-Class Research Facility managed by NREL for the US Department of Energy.
Blog Green Shops

Sustainability:We can do better

An economy that conserves resources and the environment, is possible. This blog presents companies, act accordingly, followed industry trends and politics.

Check assets, secure return!

They want an independent consultancy, which increased your wealth, and it consumes not by commissions?Optimise your portfolio with the assets-check quirin bank.