Translation from English

Friday, October 9, 2015

Die Welt- the Ubiquitous Angela Merkel




Angela Merkel, Chancellor without borders

How can German Chancellor Angela Merkel announce it would not be in our hands, how many refugees come to us? Trimmed Morally doing nothing is output as policy here.
From    Publisher
Stefan Aust
Angela Merkel is considered the most powerful woman in the world. In the refugee issue they are powerless: your thesis, it would not be in our hands, how many refugees come to us, is as false as dangerous. This rate continues what the Chancellor for weeks says in several variants. It is a political declaration of bankruptcy. Trimmed Morally, here nothing is output as policy.
It is primarily media policy; Public Relations a Chancellor who prefer sits out problems than to solve them. This is more convenient and also more popular.Ugly television pictures are bad for the image. Whether their prevention is better in the medium term, will be found; probably faster than the Chancellor is fond of.
Neither Germany nor the total Chancellor in particular, are to blame for the wars and disasters of our time - and therefore no cause of refugee flows in the direction of Germany. But there is also such a thing as catalysts for mass movements, especially in the territory of the Internet. Already 26 years ago solved - even without internet - a sentence Günter Schabowski gestammelter on 9 November 1989 a Trabi Race direction of Bornholmer Strasse.
Now the Welcome-balloons of Munich and the generous gestures of Chancellor of the refugees in the world - spread a million times online - as it were a free ticket to the Promised Land. There, waiting for tents or mass accommodations, endless queuing is announced before authorities improvised switches arises idle proximity to the also fugitive opponents of the home, the inclusion is required in an alien world.
The refugees here are looking for peace, security and order - and end up in crowded refugee camps with an increased potential for conflict.

Naive announcement of Chancellor

No question - just the must repeatedly be emphasized: persecuted on political grounds must be given asylum, war refugees must have a secure homeland may be granted. But the equally beautiful sounding naive as announcement of the Chancellor, there is no upper limit in asylum, the Article 16 leads to absurdity, because it hides the reality. Too much of the well-intentioned is the enemy of good.
The Dublin Procedure, which moved the border to the outer edge of Europe's poorest is actually overridden. This means that Germany has no secure external borders more. But a state without borders is to itself.
Refugees in Germany
  • Asylum applications
  • Easy numbers
  • Dunkelziffer
  • Forecast
Rather than draw conclusions, Angela Merkel is hiding behind the repeatedly mentioned by her 3600 km long border with Germany, which had allegedly failed to secure anyway. It outlines the chimera of a barbed wire, are driven back behind the women and children from war-torn areas of water cannons.
They are the border-free - and wonders if the columns of refugees are getting bigger. And these consist mostly not from Syrian women and children, as shown on television primarily, but young men from all over the world who - understandably - want to emigrate from the politically and economically decayed regions of the world to Germany.

Ironically Peter Altmeier

According to conservative estimates, are likely to be significantly more this year, as the Bundeswehr to the wedding of the Cold War had soldiers: half a million.
The Chancellor fabuliert fact that Germany has to eliminate the causes of refugee movement, which would mean to German to end the wars in the Middle East about what you can and you wish only the best of luck. The example Kunduz has just shown how successful such freedom is to defend the Hindu Kush.
That now precisely Peter Altmaier, the all-purpose weapon in the Chancellery, neither shall act energetic as Interior Minister de Maizière, who, after all, has a first-class security apparatus remains a mystery. The duped Constitution Minister blends. The competent authorities are de facto times quickly subordinated to the Federal Chancellery. In the multiple violations of the law of the last days and weeks that falls on barely.
A government statement in the television interview with Anne Will shows the detachment. I, the morality and the people: Here I am, I will not help. Impressive and scary at the same time.

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