Translation from English

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Der Spiegel

Merkel Under Fire: German Conservatives Deeply Split over Refugees

Merkel Under Fire: German Conservatives Deeply Split over Refugees
Conservative political allies are turning their backs on Chancellor Angela Merkel in the refugee crisis. Now, powerful Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer has threatened to file a complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. more... Comment ]
Wanted: Great Ideas for School
Information for Whistleblowers

Reaching the Limit'The Number of Immigrants Has To Fall'

Reaching the Limit: 'The Number of Immigrants Has To Fall'
In a guest editorial, Germany's foreign minister and vice chancellor, both from the center-left Social Democrats, argue that Germany cannot accept an unlimited number of refugees. A Commentary by Sigmar Gabriel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier more... Comment ]

The True Cost of TerrorismTunisia's Tourism Industry Struggles to Survive

The True Cost of Terrorism: Tunisia's Tourism Industry Struggles to Survive
At the end of June, 37 guests of a Tunisian resort hotel died in a hail of terrorist gunfire. Since then, tourists have stayed away, and the tragedy has only just begun. By Alexander Osang more... Comment ]

Varoufakis on Eastern Europe'A Connection Between Austerity and Xenophobia'

Varoufakis on Eastern Europe: 'A Connection Between Austerity and Xenophobia'
He failed as Greece's finance minister, but Yanis Varoufakis now wants to use his fame as a star leftist politician to change Europe. In an interview, he accuses Eastern Europeans of egotism -- with their fiscal policies and response to the refugee crisis. Interview Conducted by David Böcking and Andreas Wassermann more... Comment ]

End of Life Care'We're Reluctant to Talk About Death'

End of Life Care: 'We're Reluctant to Talk About Death'
Bestselling author Dr. Atul Gawande's new book focuses on medical care for the dying. In an interview, he speaks with SPIEGEL about end-of-life priorities, when treatment is a mistake and how rules in care homes are made to be broken. Interview Conducted by Laura Höflinger more...Comment ]

Jane Goodall Interview'Even Chimps Understand Sustainability'

Jane Goodall Interview: 'Even Chimps Understand Sustainability'Photos
Jane Goodall spent years observing chimpanzees in the wild. She discovered that the animals can commit murder and wage war. As an environmentalist, the British activist now spends more time observing humans -- and says she still has hope for humanity.  Interview Conducted by Philip Bethge and Johann Grolle more... Comment ]

Close QuartersAsylum Shelters in Germany Struggle with Violence

Close Quarters: Asylum Shelters in Germany Struggle with ViolencePhotos
There has been a rising number of violent incidents in German refugee hostels in recent weeks and concern is growing among officials. But some communities are finding creative ways to make life more tolerable in the asylum homes. more... Comment ]

Looming Doubts Merkel's Grip on Refugee Crisis May Be Slipping

Looming Doubts : Merkel's Grip on Refugee Crisis May Be SlippingPhotos
The flow of refugees into Germany is continuing and the government in Berlin has found no way to slow it. Faith in Chancellor Angela Merkel's ability to handle the problem is plunging -- especially within her own party. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

The Iranian ProjectWhy Assad Has Turned to Moscow for Help

The Iranian Project: Why Assad Has Turned to Moscow for Help
Iran has long been sending troops and material to help Syrian autocrat Bashar Assad wage war against his own people. But now Tehran is busy establishing a state within a state -- which is why Assad now wants help from Russia. By Christoph Reuter more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
The Horrors of Chad's PastTunisian AutumnApproaching Its Limits
Asylum Home Violence a Rising Concern
From Progress to PolarizationPortugal's New EnergyJane Goodall on What We Can Learn from Chimps

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