In my life I’ve seen much suffering and loss.
Battling flames indiscriminately trying to beat, even kill me.
Sadly and quietly I’ve walked through ashes
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Sometimes called the "Bravest of the Brave" and there's no doubt about it.
This is why we "do what we do"... so that others may live!
Pictured here is FDNY Firefighter Ryan Wischerth of Engine 283 emerging from a fire in East Flatbush, Brooklyn with 9-month-old baby Gerard DeBollet. 
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I can't believe our elected representatives in the US have decided to not renew the funding to provide health care to those brave people who selflessly responded to the attacks on our homeland and now are sick and dying.
Politicians who say Never Forget in their campaigns and then promptly forget are low lifes! Your dishonesty will be revealed and you will lose your coveted positions.
Thank You John Feal for your tireless efforts fighting for those who have been affected and...
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The law that provides health monitoring and financial aid to 9/11 workers and their families expired at the beginning of this month.
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Very little bothers me more than politicians who use the phrase "NEVER FORGET" for their own campaigning and votes... but then turn when it comes time to remember they LITERALLY turn their backs and close their doors on the 9/11 sick and dying first responders.
September 11th diseases and illnesses don't go away because you cut funding!
Please find out if your Congress/Senator supported renewing the Zadroga Act... and then let them know how you feel about that!
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Please SHARE and COMMENT....
The Zadroga Act providing Health Care to 9/11 responders expired on Oct 1st and WAS NOT RENEWED.
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Call your representatives in Congress and ask them to co-sponsor the 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, HR. 1786/ S. 928. Tell them that…
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The Big Fresno Fair, founded in 1884, is the fifth largest fair in the State of California. 
This year the Board of Directors awarded Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern their 2015 Community Champions Award.
Pete, you are an inspiration to your friends and family, as well as to your community, Country... and the world.
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From "across the pond"...
"Brotherhood of Fire" fan and Scottish Fire and Rescue Firefighter Ronnie Main sent us this adorable picture of his daughter Ruby... sporting the kilt bunker gear.
Ronnie serves in Glasgow, Scotland and says with any luck Ruby will be a 3rd generation Firefighter. His father was one too.
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"When the U.S. Coast Guard found, and then left, a body believed to be from the the lost SS El Faro, many may have been confused. 
Leaving the body means almost certainly leaving it forever and the absence of real closure for a family. 
It almost feels …cruel.  
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When the U.S. Coast Guard found, and then left, a body believed to be from the…