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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Warsaw Voice- "United Left" Cracks Up

The Warsaw Voice » Politics » August 14, 2015
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United Left cracks up - report
August 14, 2015    
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Poland's eight small left-wing parties, led by social-democratic Socjaldemokracja Polska (SdPl), want to create their own alliance ahead of the October 25 parliamentary elections, an alternative to the alliance of left-wing Democratic Left Allianc (SLD) and Your Movement, the daily Rzeczpospolita reports.

On July 27 Leszek Miller, leader of SLD told the press that
left-wing parties coalition would go to the parliamentary elections as United Left (ZL). The parties were to work on election lists within their own structures and later run consult with other coalition members. Miller said then that United Left would "easily exceed" the 8% threshold required for parliamentary representation in case of coalitions.

Meanwhile, Rzeczpospolita writes, SdPl and smaller parties disapprove of the strong position of Your Movement leader Janusz Palikot and the distribution of top electoral spots on the SLD-Your Movement lists.

Apart from the two coalition lists, two other left-wing parties: Razem ("Together") and Bialo-Czerwoni ("White-and-Red") will compete in the October elections on their own. 

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