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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

What is typically German?Goethe Volkswagen depends from

There are prejudices about Germans many. Some is quite something to it. A poll-book makes the reality check.
© DPAA VW Golf in the final acceptance
They love dachshund, sausage and the voluntary sector - to the Germans, there are so many clichés. "What makes us tick Germans" the polling firm YouGov has now explored in a large-scale project with numerous surveys. The book of the same name with the collected results appear this Monday. It also discusses some prejudices. But what really vote?

If three German meet, they form a club?

In fact, the majority of Germans clubs looks more critical - and signs reluctant accessions. 51 percent perceive associations as restrictive. Similarly, many say: "In Germany there is too much Vereinsmeierei." While still 40 percent of the German member - but especially in sports clubs. Cone, allotment and shooting clubs have no major inflow.

The German loves his dog?

Most have a cat according to the survey (28 percent), only then the dog follows (23 percent). To the question: "Which animal is your most sympathetic?", But the majority called the dog. Only positive is the not perceived: dog poop standing at the disgust list near the top. It also found 26 percent "repulsive" if you a dog abschleckt face. Also, a study by the University of Göttingen sees cats front: So there are among the pets estimated 11.5 million cats, but only 6.9 million dogs.
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Germany is the country of beer drinkers?

If the Germans have to choose between wine and beer, grab 57 percent of the wine. "I would not say that Germany is a country of wine drinkers, but in the preference of wine has the edge," says Holger Geissler, who has edited the book surveys Collection. From the mass lay beer but forward. This is confirmed by figures from the German Centre for Addiction Issues: On average, therefore, approximately 107 liters of beer, 21 liters of wine, four liters of sparkling wine and 5.5 liters of spirits are drunk each year.

Mallorca is the 17th state?

"The majority are interested in culture and city breaks, and does not sit on the beach and booze," says psychologist Geissler. In a survey on "holiday" called 62 percent on the question of what a holiday should not be missed, new cities and cultures. Only 28 percent can not do without the beach and party accordingly.Heat and sea are still in great demand: only one in five makes in the north rather than the south holiday.

Pork and barbecue - without meat it does not work?

In fact, only 6 percent of respondents eat pure vegetarian. The proportion of vegans is two percentage even lower. "There is a growing trend toward vegetarian and vegan diet - but not to the ultimate consequences," says Geissler.After a study by the Universities of Hohenheim and Göttingen from Summer 2013 making opportunity vegetarians now account for 12 percent of the German population. So-called Flexitarians eat only three to four of 21 meals per week meat.
More on the subject

The Germans are stuffy?

The "typical German" holds at least one in five respondents for stuffy.Yourself but refer only 3 percent of that. In fact, the Germans are rather good: 60 percent tend to have sex in the missionary position. And half the men sat down while peeing. In addition, the Germans are domesticated: only one in seven in the evening often goes out the door. 68 percent eat rather then with the family. On the way they find most distressing feature if you blurts out a fart in society.
Source: dpa 
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