
Replacement "station to station"
Government: Rebsamen replaced at Work "Monday or Tuesday"
The successor to François Rebsamen, who resigned from the Ministry of Labour mid-August, is expected to be officially announced soon "Monday (31) or Tuesday (1st ...
And rebolote
Act health: new doctors' strike on October 3
The white coats did not took off. To fight against the health law, supported by the Minister Marisol Touraine, four trade unions of doctors ...
The cinema in mourning
Death of Pascal Chaumeil, the director of "Heartbreaker" (VIDEO)
The director of "Heartbreaker", Pascal Chaumeil, 27, died Thursday at the age of 54 years. For now, the causes of his death are ...
5 tips to prepare his children back to school
Stress, anxiety, the fall comes and the children apprehend. No wonder with the lifestyle they have taken over the holidays ....
Slight decrease
Unemployment down 0.1% in July
After stagnating in June, the number of unemployed decreased in July. A decline (modest) that still allows the Minister of Labour François Rebsamen ...

P olicy

Political violence?
Nantes: the permanence of François de Rugy vandalized
The parliamentary permanence François de Rugy, Nantes, was vandalized on the night of Saturday 29 to Sunday, for the second time in a week. L ...
Action reaction
Thalys attack: a battery of measures to strengthen security at stations
Bernard Cazeneuve received the Ministers of Interior and Transport in eight European countries, Saturday 29, in order to strengthen security in the ...

C ompany

The first gay couple married in France again threatened with death
Homophobic slurs shaped threat and accompanied by a photo of a horribly mutilated corpse, that's what Vincent Boileau-Autin received on ...
Too drunken night?
Pontoise: drunk, he climbs a cathedral and falling 12 meters
While attempting to climb the facade of the cathedral of Saint-Maclou Pontoise (Val-d'Oise), a young man of 23 years old had a fall of 12 meters in ...

T rends eco

Soon the back
Canson, good books and great history
Over 450 years of existence, few brands can say that. Combining fine arts, small and great history and an invention, the saga of the company ...
In the hands of all
Bic: an indelible success
Unless you live in a cave, you necessarily used, and still use a Bic product. After 68 years, this family business from nothing, has ...

The ifestyle

Miracle Method
Drink water to lose weight: possible
According to a study by a British scientific team, drinking half a liter of water before every meal possible to accelerate weight loss. According ...
Learn belly full
Breakfast too often neglected by children
According to a survey of Crédoc, breakfast is too often overlooked by children, lack of sleep or time, and it shows in their ...

C ulture

Fast and Furious
Christophe Dechavanne flashed to 230 km / h on the highway
Gros misconduct for Christophe Dechavanne. The TV host was controlled Friday 28 on the A7 motorway while driving at 230 ...
Rock en Seine: fine introduction (VIDEO)
The 13th edition of the Rock en Seine festival opened on Friday evening 28 national domain of Saint Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine). Among the headliners ...