Thirty-seven years after the first episode, the 7th installment of the saga Star Wars, the Force Awakening, is one of the most anticipated films of the year. Directed by JJ Abrams and starring actors including through the beginning (Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher) hit screens in December 2015.
The Entertainment Weekly website revealed Wednesday 12 new information obtained from "Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force awakening". Information concerning the villains of the story, but also the basics of mysterious script.
The actor Benicio Del Toro is tipped to play the villain in future "Star Wars 8" in 2017. It is in talks with the production but the news has not been officially confirmed. It seems that the Disney studios are anyway looking for a major actor for this role.
American director Colin Trevorrow was selected by Lucasfilm to achieve 9 episode of Star Wars.
With over 30 million views, the second trailer for "Star Wars - Episode VII: The Rise of the Force" became the most watched on YouTube in 24 hours and made it into the record books.
Discovery of an old copy of the script of the first episode of "Star Wars" fans agitated. It would indeed settle the question: Han Solo he fired first in his duel with the bounty hunter?
The Ewoks, these little bears warriors' Return of the Jedi 'could appear in' Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force awakening ". It should at least be the case of Warwick Davis, the interpreter of the most famous of the Ewoks.
Until the release of "Star Wars-Episode VII: The Force awakening", three young fans had fun with their little voices doubling the latest trailer of the film. We also finally discovered what character actor Andy Serkis would embody.
This Monday, May 4, fans of "Star Wars" celebrated the world day devoted to the saga and his universe. A festival that is even more momentum with the release of the next episode, in December.
Monday, May 4, or rather "May the fourth" for English, which is pronounced exactly the same way that the famous line "May the Force be with you" ("May the force be with you", NLDR) brand official day of "Star Wars." On this occasion, fans celebrate the saga worldwide.
A second official video of the future installment of the saga "Star Wars 7" aired Thursday 16. Menu: Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, R2D2, the Millennium Falcon, and of course, Han Solo and Cheewbaca.
Double revelation about Star Wars 7! Fans of the series have been able to discover the design of famous soldiers of the Empire, stormtroopers, and especially the face Kylo Ren, the great villain of the film
While the new trailer for "Star Wars-Episode VII: The Rise of the Force" to be broadcast next April, the Latino Review website claims already know the contents and described.
The director of "Star Wars - Episode VII: The Rise of force", JJ Abrams has responded to the debate that stirred the fans of the saga because of the new model of lightsabers featured in the trailer for the film.
Names of new characters for the next episode of "Star Wars" were unveiled. Nothing to learn more about the script, but a new subject of debate for fans and a new buzz for production.
With a hundred million views on the Internet two weeks, the trailer for "Star Wars: The Rise of force" has become the view of history. Barely a minute pictures that continues to maintain the buzz a year before the film's release.
The trailer for the upcoming "Star Wars, The Force Awakens" already breaking records. In 72 hours, it has already been viewed over 40 million times on the Internet.
A netizen posted on YouTube version of the Trailer of "Star Wars 7" fully transformed into Lego. His mini-video attracted netizens: it was seen over 2 million times in three days.
The first trailer for "Star Wars-The awakens force" unleashed a torrent of fans comments. From analysis of the first images and theories about the script, the buzz is more than successful.
The first images of the upcoming "Star Wars" were published on Friday. To keep the suspense for another year, video surfs the classic saga, giving some new, but without revealing anything of the scenario.
While the first official trailer for the upcoming "Star Wars" to be published this Friday, many videos are claiming the buzz cut the grass under the feet of the producers of the film. Between fake trailer and probable leaks, the suspense continues.
The director of the long-awaited seventh aspect of Star Wars, JJ Abrams, announced Monday that the 24 first trailer of the new episode of the saga should be unveiled on Friday 28 in the United States.
After months of suspense, the Disney studios that produce the seventh episode of "Star Wars", unveiled in the title. The plot itself remains mysterious.