Translation from English

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Die Zeit- U.S. Accuses ISIS of Using Mustard Gas

"ISLAMIC US accuses IS-fighters mustard gas attack against

The terrorist militia IS the first time used a banned chemical as a weapon to US specifications. The gas originates presumably from the holdings of Syrian President Assad.
"Islamischer Staat": USA werfen IS-Kämpfern Senfgas-Attacke vor
Peshmerga fighters fire on positions of the terrorist militia IS (archive picture). | © JM Lopez / EPA / dpa
The terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS) has apparently used the opinion of the US government in an attack on Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq mustard gas. The reported number of media such as the Wall Street Journal and the CNN , citing US government sources. "We have credible information that it has acted to mustard gas," said a representative of the authorities WSJ. Should confirm the assumption that it would be the first time that the use of a banned chemical is known by the IS.
Although IS-fighters had already used chemical weapons to information from US intelligence agencies in the past. It should, however, have acted to chlorine gas.Possession of chlorine gas is not prohibited as opposed to mustard gas by the Chemical Weapons Convention, because it can also be used for civilian purposes.
The Federal Ministry of Defence had already announced on Thursday that Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were shot in northern Iraq with poison gas . Which chemical is to have it acted here, however, was not immediately known. Take the allegations "very seriously", but need more information, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, Alistair Baskey. Any use of chemical or biological weapons is contrary to international standards and norms.
Government officials told the Wall Street Journal, the IS could have obtained the mustard gas in Syria. There, the government of President Bashar al-Assad had admitted in 2013 to possess large quantities of chemical weapons. After a poison gas attack they had agreed under pressure from the USA and Russia of the removal or destruction of chemical weapons arsenals. However, international observers could not verify whether the Assad regime had the promise actually met in full .

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