Translation from English

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Die Welt


Taking Germany's Pulse really

The Germans are uncouth beer drinkers. For real? No, we are very different, as the result of a major investigation into the nature of the German citizen. A surprising look at our nation.
From Business editor
Stefan Beutelsbacher
Germany is regarded as Republic of accurate, rational and sub-cooled, so it stands to reason, to prove that everything is different to live with numbers. With 71, 46 and 82 for example. 71 percent of the German pedestrians walk in red across the street. 46 percent of citizens believe that there are compatriots with clairvoyant abilities. 82 percent like to cuddle. Accurate, rational, cool? "The Germans are not as they often see in other countries," says the psychologist Holger Geissler, who decided to bring the figures together with pollsters: Be approachable, almost tenderly - and very calm.
Geissler and the institute YouGov illuminate the land from using hundreds of representative surveys. They destroy the image of organized pedants, the world has still one of us, as a study by the market research company GfK from this year shows. Geissler's survey reveals what shines through in number works the Federal Statistical Office, the OECD and the EU at best: the intimate side of the Germans. Their feelings, their desires, their thoughts. The national soul. "As we Germans tick," said Geissler has called the book now summarizes the results for the first time and exclusively. On Monday, it seems.

"What makes us tick Germans" - in 555 graphics

192 pages, 555 illustrations, but also the reading material is not subcooled therefore. It is a humorous look at one's own mind. Subtle entertainment, based on Prussian exact statistics compiled.
Yes, it is also about the main lines. Politics, state and religion. To those topics that discussed the nation at their regulars - 14 percent of Germans have a incidentally.More Europe, or more nation-state? Euro or D-Mark? Deep inside, however, often disrupt the Republic completely different questions.Aldi or Lidl? Circuit or automatic? Cat or dog? Mountains or sea? Above all: Wine or beer?
Aldi, circuit, dog, sea. These are the answers. And: 57 percent of Germans prefer wine. "They like it elegant and be enjoyed," says Geissler. In absolute terms, they may purchase five times more beer. Nevertheless, a red, a white or a rosé is obviously the drink, which estimates the average citizen later. "We are not a country uncouth beer drinkers," says Geissler. "We are also a country lebenslustiger wine lovers."

So the German is really

Joie de vivre. Wine. Lovers. That sounds like Tuscany and Côte d'Azur, not to Pinneberg or Gelsenkirchen. "The Germans are southern," says Geissler. Not only the enjoyment, but also when it comes to close to touch. Are we afraid of people, and abroad some say? Kiss on the left, right or kiss a hug, then friends welcome in this country prefer. Eight out of ten women received another so heartily. The combination man / woman there are a similar number in the mating male / man after all, still a third. Pinneberg and Gelsenkirchen wealthier copied to the variant of the French.
For the way of the world like the questions that have come up with Geissler and his team are not so important. But it might help a little better understanding of the Germans. That "ludo not" their favorite game is like, and receive 77 percent of them visit home, says yes also from something. People are sociable. This however does not like a membership application. The mocking sentence when hit three German, they first establish an association that is cliché. Bowling club, Garden, protecting society? Dislike the respondents. Only sports clubs have a large supply.

So the Germans are celebrating

Also festivals are not for the citizens, unlike suggested by the common opinion.The Germans prefer to celebrate birthdays, weddings or company events. Then right: Every fourth person has ever forget how he got home. Every twentieth woke up next to a person, whose name he could not remember. Also this side of the country, the sympathetic-chaotic, show Geissler graphics.
If you add them together, the 555 diagrams, one merges it with the idea of ​​a human being, to an imaginary citizens, then come mainly out of: The German is a pretty cool guy.
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