Translation from English

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Die Welt- Video For Prospective Migrants




The promotional film for the promised land of asylum Germany

2014 was the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to make a film, which advertises the asylum procedure in Germany. An escapist clip. A new version tries now with deterrence.
From Publisher
Stefan Aust
The film is a true example of the welcoming culture. Produced has him on behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the Miramedia in Hamburg in early 2014 announced on its website, the production company, such as its clients "can address and reach your customers and markets cinematically" best. In this case, the potential customers of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees(BAMF): "No solution off the shelf, but individual messages and movies, to help convince the - of your company and your product."
The product being sold is obviously asylum in Germany. Therefore, the film has been translated into all the languages ​​of potential customers, including Albanian, Arabic, Russian, Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Patschu and Serbian. He describes in 17 minutes the fictional story of a young escape asylum seekers from Iraq, played by an actor, and is used according to the homepage of the producer anywhere in Germany to advise asylum seekers. In the web it becomes a promotional film for the Promised Germany.
The main character, a handsome young man with well-kept three-day beard, appears in the best weather sprightly step before recording facility for asylum seekers, he is apparently the only one who seeks asylum on this day, not one of the hundreds or thousands, as you would on TV knows. He says: "My name is Abbas, I come from Iraq In my home, I can not live I'd persecuted and threatened my family, so I want to apply for asylum in Germany, and I hope to go a safe life for... lead. "
The fictional refugee says nothing about how he came up here. Only: "When I arrived in Germany I immediately turned me to a police station." Then they had once sent him on a long train ride to a receiving device. A map will appear, on which they are listed.
Abbas is greeted by a blond associate at FDJ blue shirt friendly "Good morning, how can I help you, you have documents here Documents?" Abbas shows her his certificate and is performed in the "reception center", where he is greeted joyfully by two employees with a handshake. One even speaks his language.
They handed him a clear plastic bag with toilet paper and other hygiene articles, as well as linens and led him to his room. There are two or three other applicants, all young men, accommodated. One of them speaks your language and provides some assistance. In Time Lapse clouds passing through the evening atmosphere. Abbas is sleeping: "I'm glad, after my long journey finally a roof over their heads to have."
The next day, Abbas announces itself in the central immigration office as an asylum seeker. It is measured and photographed. An employee shall issue a new certificate, his identity card for the first time in the reception center. Then he is sent to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. "There I next must face my asylum application. Set an appointment for this I get sent," Abbas speaks in voiceover.

Even the food is compatible with religion

"Although the staff member does not speak my language, and I can only a few words of English, we still manage to contact us". The ideal world of BAMF:
Associate: "Wait in the waiting room ..."
Abbas: "Ok."
Associate: "No problem."
Without greater latency Abbas is examined by a doctor with a long gray Hippiezopf.
Abbas shines: "For me, luckily everything is fine, I am healthy." Now he is asked to table. Again, everything is the best. Abbas stated: "In the preparation of the dishes will be made to religious dietary laws into consideration."
Disputes among politically or religiously different asylum seekers do not exist. It also tears nobody pages from a Koran and flushed them down the toilet, leading to violent clashes as far as murder attempt.And everything else is peace, friendship, pancakes. He would be meeting other asylum seekers here. After about a week he gets a date for its application in the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. He logs on to a friendly gatekeeper in blue shirt.
An interpreter is. Abbas gets told that he can stay for the duration of his asylum proceedings in Germany. For this purpose, a piece of paper on which - translated in several languages ​​- the names and addresses are provided by organizations to which they can turn. Abbas says: "That helps me a lot."
Then a staff member takes up his data. In addition, she takes his fingerprints.Abbas learns: "you will be taken to safeguard my identity and to check if I have already applied for asylum in another European country, or once before in Germany In Europe, the rule is that always is the country responsible for me. where I arrived first. Therefore, my information be compared by the computer with international databases. "
The question of how Abbas has since come to Germany is excluded again. Since the Federal Republic is surrounded only by so-called safe third countries, it must have happened a. If he should have arrived by plane, he would have been there the asylum bureaucracy fallen into the hands. So he must have fallen straight from heaven.
What is missing is the hearing. "There I can tell you why I want to apply for asylum in Germany," says Abbas. He uses the time to get to know other asylum seekers and to learn more about Germany. For this purpose, he plays table tennis and scrolls on a park bench in an atlas. Then it goes to hearing. He is excited about what awaits him: "In my home I have done less good experiences with authorities As it will be here.?"
I need to talk about what I really wanted to forget forever. But the decision maker reassured me with their friendly nature and gives me security
Scene from the advertising film
A decision maker of the Federal Office, a young, good-looking woman will edit his asylum application. She offers him a glass of water.
"How are you, Mr. Abbas?"
"Have you already well settled in Germany?"
"Yes, even I have learned a little German."
"You feel physically able to carry out this consultation today?"
"Yes, I have no problems."
"Mr Abbas, please tell me now all the reasons why you have left your home country. I am the person on your application for asylum ...."
Abbas voice declared from the off: "Then she asks me to tell my story and escape submit all receipts for my accounts."
"... All strictly confidential."
Abbas in the film: "This is it I need to talk about what I really wanted to forget forever But the decision maker reassured me with their friendly nature and gives me security..."
Hesitation and stammering something tells Abbas now in Arabic about his ordeal.The interpreter translated: ". I want to apply for asylum in Germany because I was persecuted in my country, the situation was so bad, so I had to fear for my life."

Finally, a walk along the Elbe

Abbas says: "The decision maker will take after hearing a few weeks time to write your story by mail then I get a message, as it is assumed that order but nothing has been finally decided I can against the decision in court... proceed. Now I am relieved it was not as bad as I had imagined. I have now for the first time done everything to get asylum in Germany. "
In the film, Abbas is now only once a walk on the same beach. He sums up again along the stages of his asylum application. Then he looks into the setting sun. A trailer is running:
"The asylum seekers shown in this movie is an actor with a fictional escape history. All to be seen situations were asked to show the process of the asylum procedure."
The film is from November 2014 commissioned by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, he was co-financed by the European Refugee Fund.
That is the theory, presented in high resolution in a promotional film. The practice can be seen every day on television. Welcome to Germany. Here you will be helped! Since the Ministry of the Interior did not want to watch idly quite obviously.
This summer, it was a private film manufacture. The warning part of the addressees of the welcome film before entry. In it, a group of refugees in rainy weather of officials will be accompanied in a police. The search for work, it is said in the film, is not recognized as grounds for asylum in Germany, and the chance for people from the Western Balkans to obtain asylum in Germany, was extremely low. Those who do not leave the country after the rejection of the asylum application, must expect to be "forcibly and possibly deported, accompanied by the police".
Here you can see among other things a family with two small children at the security checkpoint at the airport. "The high cost of deporting usually many thousands of euros are then made available to the deportees in the account and can be demanded after many years," warns the voiceover. "They ruin not yourself and your family."
The film titled "return to the West Balkans" is also available in several languages ​​on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. Compared with the current Abschieberealität this deterrent video is just as unrealistic.

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