In the middle of a burned out forest near the small town of Twisp, Washington a simple and touching memorial to 3 brave firefighters who gave their ultimate sacrifice.
Rest in peace Tommy, Andrew and Richard
You are gone, but NEVER forgotten
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Blog created to update and serve as a memorial...
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"For some people, this is the most exciting thing they’ll ever do in their life.
They say they get bit by the firebug, and it brings them back every time the fires start. But these aren’t cowboys.
They’re disciplined professionals."
National Geographic Photo Blog
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* This one hits close-to-home.
TV News reporters and their camera support crew are usually on every Police-Fire-EMS "Big call" scene with us.
These news stations and their employees become influential parts of the community and we become acquainted with many of the on-air personalities. One Fresno Firefighter even married a local Fox newscaster.
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"You're the luckiest son-of-a-bitches in the world."
Wow !!!
What a story...
The command that blared from the radio was one Gary Dahlen had never heard before, not in all his years piloting helicopters over wildfires. All available helicopters prepare for an emergency launch....
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* Special Update about Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern from his wife Kelly Dern...
Monday Pete had his dressings changed and everything is healing nicely. All of the burn staff met with the rehab staff in hopes to have a smooth transition to the rehab unit for Pete.
Ace and Robert (Pete's Physical Therapists) came in and told Pete this might be the last time they would work with him. 
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What, in your opinion / experience is the biggest struggle / obstacle in the fire service today?
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We will NEVER FORGET !!!
14th anniversary this year... how do you remember?
The Faces of the Fallen. Never forget.