Translation from English

Thursday, August 13, 2015

August Evening in Central Park

Took a walk through the Park on my way home from shopping  ( smiled at pretty Puerto Rican check out girl at supermarket, --she flashed a quick smile back, then her face went back to a tired, exasperated look , == "God, when can I get out of here")

In the Park , in the fading light , I saw all these people reading REAL BOOKS (incredible in this day and age, huh) and families still on picnic
outings on the grass ( 8 p.m.-- seems a little late to me for that, but everyone is on their own schedule in the Park.)

It was about ten degrees cooler in the Park than the adjacent streets, cooler still as I got in deeper...and then the Park lamps all came on at once.

Photo below shows some people escaping the heat in Central Park in the summer

Of course, on the way to the park, as so often , the local fire rigs were going out on another run

In the video below, I ask one of the FF's there if he considers the place unusally busy and he says no...if they are not unusually busy, I wonder what the hell it's like around a firehouse that IS.

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