New York's Bravest deserve more than $27 a day in disability benefits. We want a vote! ‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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Firefighters have been asking Mayor de Blasio and Melissa Mark-Viverito for help. Their answer? Silence. Why don't they ‪#‎standwithbravest‬?
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Mayor Bill de Blasio needs to show real leadership and ‪#‎standwithbravest‬. Firefighters deserve more than $27 a day in disability protections.
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Today is Equal Pay Day. Female firefighters deserve more than $27 a day in disability protections. ‪#‎standwithbravest‬ ‪#‎equalpayday‬
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  • Timothy Greene, Joseph Hobel, Eileen Truex and 36 others like this.
  • Joanne Kayser McLaughlin Oh what I would like to say, but I won't.
  • Frank Sweeney Where was all the outrage when Gov Paterson vetoed the Tier 2 extender 6 years ago???!!!! Uggh
This is too important an issue to give up on. New York's Bravest deserve real disability protections. ‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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  • Nick Iacono, Patty Moran, Donna Leonard and 99 others like this.
Congratulations to NY's Finest for their win over NY's Bravest. New York City is lucky to have two great groups have the city's back!
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  • Nick Iacono, Eileen Meade, Michael Creagh and 69 others like this.
  • Brenda Thomas We are so proud of you Chip and the entire FDNY team great job guys 
    Congratulations 🏻
We all know who will win on Sunday. ‪#‎standwithbravest‬ and watch NY's Bravest continue their domininace over NY's Finest. Visit for tickets.
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Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Easter and Passover!
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  • Lawrence Kreger, Jennifer Beresky, Deborah Lomax and 26 others like this.
Mayor de Blasio, please don't turn your back on New York's Bravest. We are asking you to help firefighters get disability benefits that are a living wage! ‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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The Staten Island Advance comes out in favor of real disability benefit reform for NY's Bravest!…/03/all_firefighters_deserve_equal.h… ‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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  • Brenda Thomas, Louise Morrissey, Sandra LaForte Raimondi and 66 others like this.
NY's Bravest put their life on the line for you every single day, but they don't have real disability benefits.‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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‪#‎standwithbravest‬ and help firefighters get the disability protections they deserve.
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NYC's newest firefighters now continuously ask, "Should I risk my life and health for only $27 a day?"
Firefighters deserve real disability protections. To learn more visit:
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  • Nick Sommella, David K Brandman, Bert Emery and 110 others like this.
  • Mike Darcey the mayor and governor , must make it right for you guys
Amsterdam News: Firefighters ask for real disability benefits…/firefighters-ask-real-disabilit…/‪#‎standwithbravest‬
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  • Butler Retiree, Thomas P. Butler, Veronica Emtin Nineoneone-Ems and 15 others like this.