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Details Given of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Details Given of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Federica Mogherini, left, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran announced the details of the agreement.
 By Associated Press on  Publish Date April 2, 2015. Photo by Jean-Christophe Bott/Keystone, via Associated Press.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Iran and the world powers said here Thursday that they had reached a surprisingly specific and comprehensive general understanding about the next steps in limiting Tehran’s nuclear program, though Western officials said many details needed to be resolved before a final agreement in June.
There was no mistaking the upbeat mood surrounding the announcement, following eight days of intense debate between Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif. “We have stopped a cycle that is not in the interest of anybody,” an exuberant Mr. Zarif said at a news conference after the announcement.
Speaking from the White House, President Obama made a strong case for the deal, saying that it “cuts off every pathway” for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon and that it establishes the most intrusive inspections system in history. “If Iran cheats,” he said, “the world will know it.”
Even two of the most skeptical experts on the negotiations — Gary Samore and Olli Heinonen of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and members of a group call United Against Nuclear Iran — said they were impressed with the depth of detail.
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Obama Comments on Nuclear Deal With Iran

Obama Comments on Nuclear Deal With Iran

President Obama spoke from the White House on Thursday after a nuclear deal was announced with Iran.
 By AP on  Publish Date April 2, 2015. Photo by Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times.
Mr. Samore, who was Mr. Obama’s top adviser on weapons of mass destruction in his first term as president, said in an email that there is “much detail to be negotiated but I think it’s enough to be called a political framework.” Just a day ago, that appeared in doubt.
Mr. Heinonen, the former chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said “it appears to be a fairly comprehensive deal with most important parameters.” But he cautioned that “Iran maintains enrichment capacity, which will be beyond its near-term needs.”
According to European officials, roughly 5,000 centrifuges will remain spinning enriched uranium at the main nuclear site at Natanz, about half the number currently running. The giant underground enrichment site at Fordo — which Israeli and some American officials fear is impervious to bombing — will be partly converted to advanced nuclear research and the production of medical isotopes. Foreign scientists will be present. There will be no fissile material present that could be used to make a bomb.
A major reactor at Arak, which officials feared could produce plutonium, would operate on a limited basis that would not provide enough fuel for a bomb.
In return, the European Union and the United States would begin to lift sanctions, as Iran complied. At a news conference after the announcement, Mr. Zarif said that essentially all sanctions would be lifted after the final agreement is signed.
The announcement was made at a university in Lausanne, with Mr. Kerry standing with his fellow foreign ministers. But the first statement came from the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, and Mr. Zarif. “Today we have taken a decisive step,” Ms. Mogherini said. “We have reached solutions on key parameters of a comprehensive political solution.”
In his statement, President Obama invited a “robust” debate on the agreement, but argued that the detail announced here on Thursday — far more comprehensive than had been expected — should persuade Congress not just to hold off on additional sanctions on Iran but to approve the agreement that emerges on June 30, assuming the final accord can be reached.
Western diplomats were quick to warn that there was more to do. “The fine detail of any deal will be very important,” said Britain’s foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, “in particular, specifics of oversight measures and mechanisms for handling U.N. Security Council resolutions.”
For example, it was unclear how and whether Iran would be compelled to answer the International Atomic Energy Agency’s outstanding questions about “possible military dimensions” of Iran’s program in the past.
Secretary of State John Kerry, in Lausanne, Switzerland, watched President Obama speak Thursday at the White House about the general agreement reached with Iran on its nuclear program. CreditPool photo by Brendan Smialowski 
Clearly one area where the Obama administration will run into criticism in Congress and elsewhere is the duration of the agreement. Iran faces sharp limits for the first 10 years, and during that time the United States would be able to say that the country remains a year away from being able to produce one weapon’s worth of fuel — Mr. Obama’s objective.
But it cannot claim that in years 10 to 15, when Iran would be permitted to gradually increase production. And after Year 15 the agreement largely expires — meaning that Iran would be able to produce as much material as it wishes, like Japan or Brazil.
It would remain under the inspection requirements it agreed to, and inspectors would still be able to roam the country. But there would be no limits on production — meaning that if Iran wanted to set up the 190,000 centrifuges that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei talked about last summer, they would be able to do so.
Anticipating that criticism, Mr. Kerry insisted in his news conference that some elements of the agreement “will never expire,” mostly inspection requirements. He said Thursday that Iran would allow the atomic energy agency to inspect anywhere it wants.
But one line of criticism for the Congress will certainly be that the assurance of a year’s warning to “breakout” — the point at which enough material for a bomb could be produced — will last only 10 years.
The statements by Mr. Zarif and Mr. Kerry reflected their political challenges at home. Mr. Zarif stressed that Iran had not agreed to close any facilities, something he said the “proud people” of Iran would never allow.
Mr. Kerry emphasized that the United States and its partners had cut off every pathway to a bomb — and insisted the West could “snap back” sanctions if Iran violated the agreement.
It was the kind of careful balance that marks the deal: Allowing Iran to keep its facilities running, but under restrictions that would reach President Obama’s goal that it would take more than a year to produce a weapon’s worth of material.
Still, Mr. Zarif said “we are still some time away from being where we want to be,” suggesting that the negotiation of the details would be difficult.
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Timeline on Iran’s Nuclear Program 

Whether Iran is racing toward nuclear weapon capabilities is one of the most contentious foreign-policy issues challenging the West. 
Just minutes before the announcements, Mr. Zarif sent out a Twitter message saying the negotiators had “found solutions” and were, “Ready to start drafting immediately.” Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, sent a similar tweet.
Obama administration officials have insisted that the current round of talks here produce more than a general understanding. They want a “quantitative dimension” — that is, specific limits on Iran’s nuclear program that the White House can cite to push back against congressional moves for additional sanctions.
President Obama had set March 31 as a deadline for reaching a political accord to define the main terms of a final, comprehensive agreement due by the end of June.
The Obama administration had extended that self-imposed deadline. But at the same time the White House warned publicly that it was prepared to step back from the diplomacy if it became clear that an initial accord could not be reached.
An all-night round of talks ended at 6 a.m. local time on Thursday, or midnight Eastern time. Mr. Zarif noted that some diplomats had not slept, and fatigue was visible on the faces of some aides who straggled into the breakfast room of the luxury hotel here where the talks are being held under tight security.
Shortly before 11 a.m., the deliberations resumed as Mr. Kerry met with Ms. Mogherini and the chief diplomats of Britain, France and Germany. Russia and China, whose foreign minsters have left the talks, were represented by lower-ranking officials.
Mr. Zarif said the purpose of the meeting would be to assess the “solutions” that Iran had discussed with the Americans and their negotiating partners overnight.
The form of any understanding with Iran has been at issue for weeks.
But there have been other complicated questions, including how quickly sanctions on Iran might be eased and what nuclear research would be permitted on advanced centrifuges.
An idea to suspend certain United Nations sanctions temporarily but to arrange for them to automatically snap back into place if Iran does not fulfill its commitments under a nuclear accord has also prompted concerns from Russia that such a procedure might dilute the authority of its Security Council veto power.