With a career that spans over two decades, Uma Thurmanhas starred in iconic roles through the years, very notably in Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bill franchise. Despite her success, the gorgeous star has said in the past that she was once fearful of aging in Hollywood, after being told at a young age that she was well past her peak. In honor of her 45th birthday, we’re taking a look back at the InStyle archives to see what Thurman exactly thought about aging in the film industry.
“It freaks me out a little less these days,” the actress told InStyleback in 2008 when she graced our September issue. “It makes it easier having gone through working as a teenager and being told that there would be no career for me as a 20-year-old. And then working as a 20-year-old and being told that was it. And then having children and being told there wouldn’t be a career for me now. I feel fortunate to have been able to have a creative life during all those different periods. And the characters I get to play as a mature woman are so much more interesting than the ingénues I got to play as a kid, so I feel OK about it.” The star should feel more than OK—she is set to return to the big screen in the third installment of Kill Bill.