‪#‎Union‬ leaders use City Council hearing to bash Gov. Rauner's right-to-work zones
Union leaders bashed Gov. Bruce Rauner's proposal for right-to-work zones at a City Council hearing Tuesday.
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‪#‎Boston‬ Fire Department targets health of ‪#‎firefighters‬
The Boston Fire Department is vowing to tackle cancer and wellness in the force with the purchase of protective gear, the creation of a wellness division, and the help of former Navy SEALS to help get firefighters back to better health.
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Stockton Fire Engine Rolled in Fatal Vehicle Accident:
A SUV collided with a Stockton Fire Engine this morning, injuring all involved and fatally injuring a pas...
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'We made a promise'
Bipartisan senators and House members joined first responders, survivors and labor leaders to say they have a moral obligation to permanently renew expiring
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General President Schaitberger speaks in support of the Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act in Washington, DC Tuesday afternoon.
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  • 154 people like this.
  • Tom Tomich My local could use the ACA as a cost reducing element of their healthcare. In Florida, despite an obstructionist tea party Governor, the market competition brought about by the ACA has reduced open market premiums substantially without any subsidies. If someone preaches otherwise, dont believe them for a minute.
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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The IAFF's 22nd Canadian Legislative Conference takes place April 26-29, 2015 at the Delta Ottawa City Centre Hotel. More than 115 professional fire fighters from across Canada will be in Ottawa to lobby MPs and Senators on the three key federal legislative priorities below:
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Hoarding: An increasing danger for firefighters
"Everything we owned, went up in flames," Lynn McNeil said.McNeil's fear of fire still haunts her¦.
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Mission and Burnaby firefighters heading to Nepal to help in rescue and relief
A group of 20 firefighters from Mission and Burnaby is ...
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Baltimore burns as rioters attack firefighters, leaving residents angry, afraid at shocking violence that followed Freddie Gray’s funeral
As fires broke out in West Baltimore on Tuesday morning, groups of teens hurled bottles into passing firetrucks.
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  • Aileen Pettinger This is a professional fire fighters page-if you aren't a fire fighter please refrain from your ignorant comments which just make the rest of us look bad. Stay strong Baltimore brothers & sisters!!
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  • Chris Mallory The city better defuse the situation now or get the national guard to start bringing the law to these retards the mayor should be arrested without bail for her stupidity and failure to react to this situation.
    Like · Reply · 12 mins
  • Lawrence Kreger
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Last week Santa Rosa, CA Local 1401 hosted a Fire Ground Survival class, which was covered by KTVU 2 news.
Calls of mayday rang out from the training ground in Santa Rosa but it was all just a part of special training funded by FEMA and hosted by the Santa Rosa Fire...
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The ‪#‎IAFF‬ wants our members in ‪#‎Baltimore‬, MD to know you are in our thoughts. Please stay safe and rise to the call! ‪#‎BCFDLocal734‬
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Buffalo ‪#‎firefighters‬ recovering after response to wild scene
They then went back into the home to find the woman unresponsive and not breathing.
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Every April 28, the IAFF encourages its affiliates to observe Workers Memorial Day and National Day of Mourning to commemorate workers who have been injured, killed or suffer illness as a result of occupational accidents and hazards.
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March of progress: ‪#‎FDNY‬ firefighters ‪#‎union‬ brought key safety and pay reforms
The labor union that represents rank-and-file FDNY firefighters is 2 years away from a century of protecting the NYC’s Bravest.
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