Translation from English

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

Federal Public Incomes Administration (AFIP) president Ricardo Echegaray testified today in the bicameral commitee investigating the HSBC bank’s accounts in Switzerland, stating that the system originated with a mechanism of phantom invoices that caused tax evasion worth an estimated 224 million to the revenue agency.
Monthly tax income for March totalled 105.4 billion pesos, an increase of 33.9 percent on the same period last year, Finance secretary Juan Carlos Pezoa and AFIP chief Ricardo Echegaray revealed today in a press conference.
Intelligence Secretary Oscar Parrilli announced ex spymaster Horacio Antonio Stiuso has been summoned to “give explanations” on “delays” in the investigation into the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center.
Buenos Aires City Mayor and presidential hopeful Mauricio Macri has described as “positive” the fact that Máximo Kirchner “stepped out of the shadows”, in reference to the interview the son of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner gave yesterday.
Citibank has now 24 hours to present a new candidate for the post.
The Central Bank headed by Alejandro Vanoli has decided to remove the authorization granted to Gabriel Juan Ribisich to work as Citibank Argentina’s CEO.
The Appeals Court has called an audience for Wednesday April 8 to hear the arguments of Foreign minister Héctor Timerman, who filed a petition calling for the removal of Germán Moldes from the case related to late AMIA investigator Alberto Nisman's cover-up accusations.
The so called "blue" dollar dropped seven cents today to close at 12.50 pesos, hitting its lowest mark of the past eight months. Meanwhile, the US dollar increased half a cent and closed at 8.84 pesos in Buenos Aires City banks and foreign exchange offices.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and his German and French counterparts have extended marathon talks in Switzerland for a second day beyond a self-imposed deadline to reach a preliminary agreement with Iran on its nuclear program.

La Cámpora youth organization leader Máximo Kirchner yesterday emphatically denied anonymously sourced press reports alleging he held foreign bank accounts, calling them false accusations destined to smear his mother’s administration.


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,790$ 8,840
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 12,45$ 12,55
EuroEURO$ 9,650$ 10,300
PoundPOUND$ 13,036$ 13,110
MervalMERVAL$ 11.071,680$ 2,16
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 17.698,180$ -0,44
BovespaBOVESPA$ 52.321,760$ 2,29
Full MARKET coverage HERE

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Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4447 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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