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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Born Today- Scientist Max Planck- Max Planck Society

Call for Applications

MaxSynBio - Research Groups in Synthetic Biology

MaxSynBio - the Max Planck Research Network for Synthetic Biology - invites applications as Group Leaders for "MaxSynBio: Research Groups in Synthetic Biology". [more]

How to apply for a Phd?

Max Planck Research

Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the literal sense: they exist around planets, traverse our Milky Way and distant galaxies, and are not only present in galactic gas, but can also be found in the suns that evolve from such gas. Magnetars, for example, neutron stars that are only about 20 kilometers in diameter, have the strongest magnetic fields in the universe. Max Planck researchers learn a lot about the nature of the heavenly bodies by studying the cosmic phenomenon.

Magnetic fields

Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the literal sense: they exist around planets, traverse our Milky Way and distant galaxies, and are not only present in galactic gas, but can also be found in the suns that evolve from such gas. Magnetars, for example, neutron stars that are only about 20 kilometers in diameter, have the strongest magnetic fields in the universe. Max Planck researchers learn a lot about the nature of the heavenly bodies by studying the cosmic phenomenon. [more]


Dawn Mission

"Chimp & See" is a new Citizen Science project launched by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. On <a href="#__target_object_not_reachable"></a>, volunteers can help the primatologists to evaluate video sequences taken from camera traps in Africa by watching short clips - with a little luck, they will spot chimpanzees and other wild animals.

Participation sought: new citizen science project

April 21, 2015
"Chimp & See" is a new Citizen Science project launched by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. On, volunteers can help the primatologists to evaluate video sequences taken from camera traps in Africa by watching short clips - with a little luck, they will spot chimpanzees and other wild animals. [more]
A ceremony on 16 April in Berlin marked the official start of the MaxSynBio research programme, the Max Planck Society's research network in synthetic biology.

The toolbox of life

April 21, 2015
A ceremony on 16 April in Berlin marked the official start of the MaxSynBio research programme, the Max Planck Society's research network in synthetic biology. [more]
A project at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity investigates the changing nature of diversity and its socio-spatial patterns in three locations of super-diversity: New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg.

New social diversity in global cities

April 02, 2015
A project at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity investigates the changing nature of diversity and its socio-spatial patterns in three locations of super-diversity: New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg. [more]

New questions raised by discovery in archive

April 09, 2015
In the course of recent investigations, human brain sections have again been discovered in the archive of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, which have not yet been fully investigated as far as their scientific and medical history is concerned. The brain sections belong to the estate of the doctor and brain researcher Julius Hallervorden and were donated to the archive in 2001. [more]
The Max Planck Society is reorganizing its support of junior scientists. The whole package consists not only of new support structures and detailed supervision guidelines, but is also intended to provide more transparency for career paths in the future.

50 million euros for junior scientists

March 23, 2015
The Max Planck Society is reorganizing its support of junior scientists. The whole package consists not only of new support structures and detailed supervision guidelines, but is also intended to provide more transparency for career paths in the future. [more]

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