A time traveler in military uniform wakes up on a sunny Berlin afternoon in 2011, looking up at a blue sky without enemy aircraft overhead. He hears no shelling, explosions or sirens. That the city still stands despite his orders that it be destroyed, right down to the screws and door handles, is something that puzzles him. “On the other hand, I am here too,” he thinks, “and I cannot understand that either.”
You know his name. You know his face. You know his hair and mustache, which are caricatured with sharp, witty minimalism on the cover of “Look Who’s Back,” in which a baffled Adolf Hitler is returned to the even more baffled German people. Now you’ll also know Timur Vermes, whose debut novel has created a sensation in Germany, been translated into many languages and generated endless essays asking whether it’s acceptable to laugh at Mr. Vermes’s Hitler jokes. Count on much more of this debate when the book’s May 5 publication date in the United States arrives.
There’d be no need to discuss the acceptability of laughter if “Look Who’s Back” weren’t desperately funny. But Mr. Vermes has created an ingenious comedy of errors in which the jokes are either on Hitler’s misapprehensions about the modern world or the modern world’s refusal to take him at face value. When he wakes up, the first people he meets are a group of boys at play. Are they members of the Hitler youth who just happen to be out of uniform? When one asks, “You all right, boss?,” he thinks the child’s failure to call him “Führer” is a minor slip. When he sees an abundance of Turkish newspapers at a kiosk, he can’t entertain the thought of a large immigrant population. Instead, he assumes that Turkey became the great ally that helped Germany win the war.
Timur Vermes CreditmissBehaviour 
The man who runs the newsstand becomes the first benefactor of the indigent, confused new Hitler. And the shtick — perhaps not one of Hitler’s favorite words — that flies between them could come straight out of vaudeville. The news seller thinks that this Adolf Hitler, who never uses anything but his real name, must be some kind of performer. So, in slightly abbreviated form:
“Have you got your own program?”
“Naturally. I’ve had one since 1920.”
“Any fliers?”
“Don’t talk to me about the Luftwaffe. In the end they were a complete failure.”
And then there’s the question of why Hitler is suddenly homeless. Was it girlfriend trouble?
“Wasn’t really working out toward the end, eh?”
“That would be an accurate assessment of the situation.”
“Who was to blame?”
“Ultimately Churchill, I expect.”
There is much, much more in this vein, as Mr. Vermes leads his main character, thought to be an uncanny new Hitler impersonator, to his inevitable contemporary destiny: a show business career. He gets onto a television show and makes an instant impression, just by looking like himself and giving vent to his bigotry. He has been strictly warned by his new bosses that “Jews are no laughing matter,” so he keeps that side of himself in check for a while. Besides, he agrees — though for different reasons.
But the show he appears on is based on crude ethnic humor, anyhow, so viewers don’t know whether a bona fide Hitler speech is a sendup of the show or a flat-out poisonous screed. One review is headlined: “Loony YouTube Hitler/Fans Go Wild for His Tirades!/The Nation Is Stumped: Is This Humor?” Mr. Vermes’s satire, for all the hot air it has prompted, clearly means to make his readers ask that same question.
This book isn’t sharp-fanged, but it’s able to remain both humorous and disturbing after the initial jokiness has passed. Eventually, Hitler has to become Hitler. His anti-Semitism and belligerence about expanding Germany’s borders become themes on which he likes to harp. Suddenly, the man who seemed to be so entertaining is asking how East Upper Silesia got away, and ticking off the names of other places he would like to reconquer. His behavior turns more hard core, as when a gushing female fan asks him to autograph her dirndl during Oktoberfest — and comes away with a swastika on her chest.
Even as he grows more extreme, this book’s Hitler never apologizes. He just gets tougher, even though Mr. Vermes’s tone stays comedic throughout. He laughs at the news media. (“Is it true that you admire Adolf Hitler?” a journalist asks. “Only in the mirror in the morning,” he answers.) He revives his old language about parasites and concentration camps. He makes a speech that is so lost in the past that he has to be interrupted and asked, “I’m sorry, but ... what are you talking about?” And he makes it though this whole book without the author’s stumbling over the question of what to do with him. That alone is quite an achievement, considering that “Look Who’s Back” has an essentially repellent premise.
Chalk up the great popularity of “Look Who’s Back” to its author’s basic act of provocation and to the highly polished sitcom sensibility that works so well here. One running gag counts on Hitler to misunderstand everything about progress and to attribute as much of it as he can to Aryan brilliance. What is this thing called Vikipedia? Clearly it’s Germanic, with the first part of the name a homage to Viking heritage. What about YouTube? At first he thinks it must be U-Tube, as in the U-boats that served Germany so well in wartime.
And cellphones? “I realized at once that I held in my hands a masterpiece of Aryan creative genius, and all it took was a few swipes of the finger to discover that — of course — the superlative Siemens company had been responsible for the technology that brought this miracle to pass.” His only complaint? It lacks a certain Wagnerian, Third Reich-approved ringtone. Read this book if you can’t guess what it is. Or even if you can.


By Timur Vermes
Translated by Jamie Bulloch
313 pages. MacLehose. $25.99.
Correction: April 28, 2015 
The Books of The Times review on Monday about “Look Who’s Back,” a novel by Timur Vermes that envisions Hitler traveling through time to modern-day Berlin, misstated a word in a question that a man who runs a newsstand asks of Hitler. He says, “Wasn’t really working out toward the end, eh?,” not “till the end, eh?”