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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today in History Feb 24- History.Orb

Historical Events on this Day in History

Events in History for Tuesday 24th February 2015

Today's Significant Events

303 - 1st official Roman edict for persecution of Christians issued by Emperor Diocletian
1525 - Battle of Pavia: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V's troops beat the French. French King Francois I captured, 15,000 killed/wounded
1582 - Pope Gregory XIII announces New Style (Gregorian) calendar
1739 - Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.
1946 - Juan Peron elected President of Argentina
2008 - Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba after nearly fifty years.

Today's Historical Events

Events 1 - 198 of 198
303 - 1st official Roman edict for persecution of Christians issued by Emperor Diocletian
1208 - St Francis of Assisi, 26, received his vocation in Portiuncula Italy
1296 - Pope Boniface VIII degree Clericis Iaicos
1387 - King Charles III of Naples and Hungary is assassinated at Buda.
1389 - Battle at Falköping: Danes defeat King Albert of Sweden
1496 - England's Henry VII ends commercial dispute with Flanders
1510 - Pope Julius II excommunicates the republic of Venice
1525 - Battle of Pavia: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V's troops beat the French. French King Francois I captured, 15,000 killed/wounded
The Warrior Pope Julius IIThe Warrior Pope Julius II1527 - Ferdinand of Austria crowned as king of Bohemia
1528 - Hungarian anti-king Janos Zapolyai & Sultan Suleiman signs treaty
1530 - 1st imperial coronation by a Pope, Charles V crowned by Clement V
1538 - Treaty of Nagyvarad/Peace of Grosswardein signed between Ferdinand I of Austria and John Zápolya of Hungary.
1541 - Santiago, Chile founded by Pedro de Valvidia (or 2/12)
1552 - Privileges of Hanseatic League in England are abrogated
1582 - Pope Gregory XIII announces New Style (Gregorian) calendar
1597 - Flemish painter Frederick of Valckenborch becomes porter of Frankfurt-on-Main
1607 - Claudio Monteverdi's opera "Orfeo" premieres in Mantua
1708 - Prince Johan Willem Friso sworn in as viceroy of Groningen
1711 - Handel's opera "Rinaldo" premieres at Haymarket theatre in London
Composer George Friedrich HandelComposer George Friedrich Handel1739 - Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.
1779 - George Rogers Clark captures Vincennes (Ind) from British
1786 - Charles Cornwallis appointed governor-general of India
1793 - French troops conquer Breda
1803 - US Supreme Court 1st rules a law unconstitutional (Marbury v Madison)
1804 - London's Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground, leaving owner Richard Brinsley Sheridan destitute.
1807 - 17 die & 15 wounded in a crush to witness execution of Holloway, Heggerty & Elizabeth Godfrey in England
1821 - Mexico gains independence from Spain
1826 - The signing of the Treaty of Yandaboo marks the end of the First Burmese War.
1835 - Siwinowe Kesibwi (Shawnee Sun) is 1st Indian language monthly magazine
1839 - Steam shovel patented by William Otis, Philadelphia
1848 - King Louis-Philippe abdicates, 2nd French republic declared
1855 - US Court of Claims forms for cases against government
1857 - 1st perforated US postage stamps delivered to government
1857 - LA Vineyard Society organized
1863 - Arizona Territory created
1863 - Forrest's raid on Brentwood, Tennessee
1864 - -Feb 25] Battle of Tunnel Hill, GA (Buzzard's Roost)
1868 - 1st US parade with floats (Mardi Gras-Mobile Alabama)
17th US President Andrew Johnson17th US President Andrew Johnson1868 - USHouse of Representatives vote 126 to 47 to impeach President Andrew Johnson
1875 - The SS Gothenburg hits the Great Barrier Reef and sinks off the Australian east coast, killing approximately 100, including a number of high profile civil servants and dignitaries.
1876 - Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt" premieres in Oslo
1881 - De Lesseps' Company begins work on Panama Canal
1881 - China and Russia sign the Sino-Russian Ili Treaty.
1888 - Louisville, Ky, becomes 1st government in US to adopt Australian ballot (i.e. secret ballot on standard voting forms)
1891 - French troops under capt Archinard occupy Diena West Sudan
1893 - The American University is chartered by an act of the Congress of the United States of America.
1894 - Nicaragua captures Tegucigalpa, Honduras (National Day, sort of)
1895 - Cuban war for independence begins
1896 - Victoria all out for 43 vs South Australia, Jones 6-15, Jarvis 4-27
1899 - Western Washington University is established.
1902 - Battle at Yzer Spruit: Boer general De la Rey beats British
1905 - Simplon tunnel in Switzerland completed
1906 - Tomas Estrada Palma defeats Jose Gomez in the election for president of Cuba, but Gomez and his followers refuse to accept results and sponsor an uprising
1908 - In 'Muller v Oregon', the US Supreme Court favors an Oregon law limiting maximum hours a woman may work and denies that it curtails 'liberty of contract'
1909 - The Hudson Motor Car Company is founded.
1911 - Japan and the US conclude a treaty that continues restrictions on Japanese laborers
1914 - Frank Craven's "Too Many Cooks" premieres in NYC
1917 - German plan to get Mexican help in WW I exposed (Zimmerman telegram)
1917 - Red Sox sell Smokey Joe Wood, his arm dead at 26, to Cleve for $15,000
1918 - Estonia declares independence from Russia
1920 - NSDAP begins at Hofbrauhaus Munich
1920 - Peace treaty gives Estonia independence
1921 - 1st transcontinental flight in 24 hrs flying time arrives Florida
1923 - Flying Scotsman goes into service
1923 - Mass arrests in US of mafia
1924 - Greek parliament proclaims republic
1924 - Johnny Weissmuller, swims 100m record (57 2/5 secs)
Pacifist and Spiritual Leader Mahatma GandhiPacifist and Spiritual Leader Mahatma Gandhi1924 - Mahatma Gandhi released from jail
1925 - Thermite explosive 1st used to break up ice jam, Waddington, NY
1927 - John Golden Theater (Theatre Masque) opens at 252 W 45th St NYC
1932 - Malcolm Campbell drives record speed (253.96 mph) at Daytona
1933 - Final demonstration of German communist party in Berlin
1933 - League of Nations tells Japanese to pull out of Manchuria
1937 - 1st US group hospital-medical cooperative authorized, Wash, DC
1938 - Du Pont begins commercial production of nylon toothbrush bristles
1939 - Roy Harris' 3rd Symphony premieres in Boston
1940 - Frances Langford records "When You Wish Upon a Star"
1941 - 43 Geuzen resistance fighter trial opens in the Hague
1941 - Anti-Nazi meeting at Noordermarkt Amsterdam
1942 - Voice of America begins broadcasting (in German)
1942 - The "Battle of Los Angeles" takes place, lasting until the next day.
1943 - Major General Omar Bradley flies to Algiers
1943 - Texas League announces it will quit for the duration of WW II
1944 - Argentina coup by minister of war Juan Peron
1945 - Egypt & Syria declare war on nazi-Germany
1945 - Manila freed from Japanese
1945 - Nazi occupiers begin state of siege
1945 - Egyptian Premier Ahmed Maher Pasha is killed in Parliament after reading a decree.
1946 - Juan Peron elected President of Argentina
1948 - Communist Party seizes complete control of Czechoslovakia
1949 - Israel & Egypt sign an armistice agreement
1949 - V-2/WAC-Corporal 1st rocket to 5x speed of sound at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico,
1950 - Labour wins British parliamentary election
1951 - "Bless You All" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 84 perfs
1951 - Ice Pairs Championship at Milan won by Ria Baran & Paul Falk of GER
1951 - Ladies' Figure Skating Champion in Milan won by Jeanette Altwegg of Great Britain
1951 - Men's Figure Skating Championship in Milan won by Richard Button USA
Golfer Sam SneadGolfer Sam Snead1952 - Betty MacKinnon & Sam Snead wins LPGA Orlando Mixed Golf Tournament
1955 - "Silk Stockings" opens at Imperial Theater NYC for 461 performances
1955 - Pact of Baghdad between Iraq & Turkey signed
1960 - Italian government of Segni falls
1960 - US beats Germany in Olympic hockey finals round, 9-1
1961 - Explorer (10) fails to reach Earth orbit
1962 - "New Faces of '62" closes at Alvin Theater NYC after 28 performances
1962 - "Sail Away" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 167 performances
1962 - General mobilization in Indonesia over New-Guinea
1962 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1965 - Beatles begin filming "Help" in Bahamas
1965 - East German president Ulbricht visits Egypt
1966 - Coup ousts Pres Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana
First President of Ghana Kwame NkrumahFirst President of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah1966 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1968 - "Darling of the Day" closes at George Abbott NYC after 31 perfs
1968 - Discovery of 1st pulsar announced (CP 1919 by Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish)
1968 - Gary Unger begins NHL consecutive game record of 914 games
1968 - US troops reconquer Hue Vietnam
1969 - Mariner 6 launched for Mars flyby to study planet's atmosphere
1969 - Northern Ireland Stormont parliament elections are held; the Unionist party fragments into 'Official Unionist' and 'Unofficial Unionist'
1970 - 29 Swiss Army officers die in avalanche (Reckingen, Switzerland)
1970 - Heintje Simons (14) wins 7 gold records
1970 - KVDO TV channel 3 in Salem, OR (IND) begins broadcasting
1971 - Algeria nationalizes 51 percent of French oil concessions
1974 - Atje Keulen-Deelstra becomes world champ all-round skater
1974 - Pakistan officially recognizes Bangladesh
1976 - Cuba adopts its constitution
1976 - Jules Feiffer's "Knock Knock" premieres in NYC
Soviet General Secretary Leonid BrezhnevSoviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev1976 - Leonid Brezhnev opens 25th congress of CPSU
1977 - Pres Carter announces US foreign aid will consider human rights
1978 - Kevin Porter, NJ, sets NBA record with 29 assists in a game
1979 - Highest price ever paid for a pig, $42,500, Stamford, Texas
1979 - War between North & South Yemen begins
1980 - "Canterbury Tales" closes at Rialto Theater NYC after 16 performances
1980 - Joanne Carner wins LPGA Bent Tree Golf Classic
1980 - Rangers score 5 power-play goals against Islanders
1980 - USA Olympic hockey team defeated Finland, 4-2, to win the gold medal
1981 - Britain's Prince Charles announces engagement to Lady Diana Spencer
1981 - Jean Harris is convicted of murdering Scarsdale diet doctor Tarnower
1981 - An earthquake registering 6.7 on the Richter scale hits Athens, killing 16 people and destroying buildings in several towns west of the city.
1982 - Basketball team Boston Celtics begin 18 NBA game win streak
Princess of Wales Diana SpencerPrincess of Wales Diana Spencer1982 - 24th Grammy Awards: Betty Davis Eyes, Double Fantasy wins
1982 - Wayne Gretzky scores NHL-record 78th goal of season en route to 92
1983 - Dow Jones closes above 1100 mark for 1st time
1983 - USSR performs underground nuclear test
1983 - A special commission of the U.S. Congress releases a report that condemns the practice of Japanese internment during World War II.
1984 - Iraq resumes air attack on Iran
1985 - Amy Alcott wins LPGA Circle K Golf Open Tucson
1985 - Birendra, Bir Bikram Shah Dev crowned King of Nepal
1985 - Jim Kelly (Houston USFL) passes for pro football record 574 yds
1985 - Yul Brynner reprised his role in "The King & I"
1986 - Texas Air buys Eastern Airlines for $676 million
1986 - Voyager 2, 1st Uranus flyby
1987 - 29th Grammy Awards: Higher Love, Graceland, Bruce Hornsby wins
NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-JabbarNBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar1987 - LA Laker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scores his 36,000th NBA point
1987 - Radio personality Larry King suffers a heart attack
1988 - Matti Nykanen becomes winter olympics 1st triple gold medalist
1988 - South African apartheid regime bans the UDF
1988 - Supreme Ct votes 8-0 Jerry Falwell cannot collect for Hustler parody
1989 - 150-million-year-old fossil egg (oldest dinosaur embryo) found
1989 - Harold E Ballard sells CFL Hamilton Tiger-Cats to David Braley
1989 - Margaret Ray found in David Letterman's home, claims to be his wife
1989 - US Boeing 747 loses parts of roof over Pacific, 9 die
1989 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1989 - Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini offers $1M-$3M bounty on Salman Rushdie's death due to his novel, "Satanic Verses"
1990 - Beth Daniel wins LPGA Orix Hawaiia Ladies Golf Open
1991 - "Those Were The Days" closes at Edison Theater NYC after 126 perfs
LPGA Golfer Beth DanielLPGA Golfer Beth Daniel1991 - End of World League of American Football's (WLAF) 1st draft
1991 - US & allies begin a ground war assault on Iraqi troops
1993 - 35th Grammy Awards: Tears in Heaven, Eric Clapton wins
1994 - Scoreboard is unveiled at new Cleve Indians' park (Jacobs Field)
1995 - Dow-Jones hits record 4011.74
1995 - The Corona reconnaissance satellite program, in existence from 1959 to 1972, is declassified.
1996 - Cuba downs 2 US planes
1996 - Meg Mallon wins LPGA Cup o' Noodles Hawaiian Ladies Golf Open
1996 - The last occurrence of February 24 as a leap day in the European Union and for the Roman Catholic Church.
1997 - Deng Xiaoping, leader of China, cremated (died Feb 19th)
1997 - South Africa announces it is constructing largest modern day blimp
Chinese Communist Party Leader Deng XiaopingChinese Communist Party Leader Deng Xiaoping1997 - Qatar inaugurates the world's largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporting facility and formally launches Qatar Liquefied Gas Co.
1998 - Elton John knighted
1998 - NHL resumes season since Feb 8th to accomodate the Olympics
1999 - The State of Arizona executes Karl LaGrand, a German national involved in an armed robbery, in spite of Germany's legal action to attempt to save him.
1999 - A China Southern Airlines Tupolev TU-154 airliner crashes on approach to Wenzhou airport in eastern the People's Republic of China, killing 61.
1999 - 41st Grammy Awards: My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From Titanic), Lauryn Hill wins
2002 - XIX Winter Olympics closes in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
2002 - Canada defeats the United States 5-2 to win the men's ice hockey Olympic Gold Medal
2006 - President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declares Proclamation 1017 placing the country in a state of emergency in attempt to subdue possible military coup.
14th President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo14th President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo2007 - 27th Golden Raspberry Awards: Basic Instinct 2 wins
2008 - Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba after nearly fifty years.
2008 - 80th Academy Awards - "No Country for Old Men", Daniel Day-Lewis & Marion Cotillard win
2010 - Sachin Tendulkar scored the the first double century in One Day International cricket.
2010 - Europe risks a double-dip recession after bad results emerge from France, Germany and Italy, it is reported today; the Eurozone only grew by 0.1% in the last quarter of 2009
2011 - Final Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery (OV-103).
2013 - 10 Chadian soldiers and 28 Muslim insurgents are killed in conflict in Adrar des Ifoghas, Mali
2013 - 85th Academy Awards: "Argo", Daniel Day-Lewis & Jennifer Lawrence win
2013 - Nicos Anastasiades wins the Cypriot presidential election
2013 - Raúl Castro is elected to a second term as the President of Cuba
Actress Jennifer LawrenceActress Jennifer Lawrence2013 - Jimmie Johnson wins the 2013 Daytona 500
2014 - Pope Francis creates a second Secretariat with the power to audit any Vatican agency at any time
2014 - 7 people are killed & 37 are injured after a bridge collapses in Vietnam
2014 - A 4.4 billion-year-old Crystal is discovered to be the oldest known fragment from the earth's crust
— Historical Events on this Day —

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