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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sweet Sixteen Party Turns Sour in Dublin- The Independent

Dad has knife held to throat as 250 teens crash girl's 16th birthday party

Robin Schiller 

PUBLISHED23/02/2015 | 08:50
The damage to the home's front doorOPEN GALLERY 4
The damage to the home's front door
A 'sweet 16' birthday party turned into a nightmare for a Dublin family as celebrations were gate crashed by 250 teens.

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Owen Osifa was hosting a party at her home in Lucan, Co Dublin on Friday evening for her teenage daughter's birthday.
A DJ was hired for the event which was only meant to involve around a dozen girls.
However an invite to the party was posted on the social networking site Facebook and news of the event went viral.
Mrs Osifa described how around 250 teenagers, most of them under the age of 18, gatecrashed her daughter's party and ransacked her house in the Foxdene estate.
A knife was put up to the throat of Mrs Osifa's husband Igosa as he tried to prevent a gang of youths from ripping a television off his wall.
A bottle was also smashed over Mr Osifa's head.
"They were trying to take the television from the wall, and when my husband tried to stop them they got a knife and threatened him," Mrs Osifa said.
"They said they'd kill him if he tried to stop them.
"He then accidentally bumped into a girl at the party and this boy hit him over the head with a glass bottle."
Shockingly, the couple's 11-year-old son, who has special needs, was repeatedly thrown against the sitting room wall as the chaos unfolded.
Knives were also used to rip up couches in the sitting room, and family pictures were ripped off the wall and smashed to pieces. The family's trampoline was also torn to shreads,
Mrs Osifa said she couldn't sleep on Friday night for fear of the large crowd returning for more mayhem.
"I was afraid they would come back and destroy the house again," she said.
"I don't know where they came from - there were hundreds of them, they were coming from everywhere. A lot of them were jumping over the back wall.
"They grabbed my son and started pushing him against the wall. It was horrible.
"It was meant to be a 16th party with a few of my daughter's friends, but then this happens. It's not good."
A neighbour described seeing around "200 young teenagers" on the road at around 8pm.
"I heard a bang and looked out the window, and there were hundreds of young people standing on the road. I couldn't believe it," the neighbour said.
Gardai told the Herald that they responded to calls and are investigating damage done to the front door of the house, which also had two windows smashed. Gardai cleared the large crowd from the home, but no arrests have been made in relation to the incident.

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Would that ever happen in America?  No.  Because we have guns.  It's amazing that a guy with a pitiful knife could do that to your home.  He completely owned everything you have just by showing up.  You guys are completely held hostage to whatever anyone wants to do in your home.  It's crazy that you live this way.

Sorry that I don't relate to stories of defenselessness.  It's a very interesting and foreign psychology to me.  It's crazy that people live like that and think it's normal. 
Wow, there I was feeling sorry for the family involved.  Various comments suggesting that they were entirely to blame have clarified the matter for me.  It seems that they should have stopped the FB invite being sent, then prevented the crowd getting in and finally they should have beaten them all up with golf clubs!
@Hudster  Yep, and they should also have ensured that none of the invited guests told anyone about the party or mentioned it on FB. The father should have tasered the uninvited guests arriving via the back wall or maybe he should simply have shot them on sight. Otherwise, it is completely their fault as the posters below seem to indicate.
Wow - I didn't think there were 250 teenagers in all of Lucan. They must have come from outside the town.   Scary!
Who posts these invitations to social networking sites anymore??  Time to cop on parents.  
Unbelieveable !! WHY DID YOU LET THEM IN THE DOOR HUH???? And why weren't the gaurds called ?? No respect for anything or anybody is the mantra of a lot of youth scum these days , i can tell you one thing , no  year old would ever act like that in my house .................and i wouldn't be calling the gaurds either !
What the hell is a sweet 16?  How very american.
@stayhomedad I only ever saw it on Big Fat Gypsy Wedding myself.  And you are right, it is an american import as far as I know, bit like a prom.  Excuse for a party for people with money as far as I can make out.
I had the same experience once. Luckily my son was a top athlete and his friends were there. I armed each with a golf club and we ended the problem very quickly and efficiently. 
@iamjames  I agree with james on this do not call the guards hit them as hard as possible drag them off your property and leave them there....
If parents learn one thing from this it is that your children's parties are best left off Facebook and better still not in your family home. But that's a lesson I thought we learned years ago.
I think you'll find the water protesters broke the law.
@JimBeam I think you'll find they broke an injunction, totally different, but listen why let the facts get in the way of a good rant.....
@newsatone @JimBeam Are all people who break injunctions put to gaol as a matter of course?  Perhaps a cabinet minister might enlighten us - and if eople are walking free after breaking injunctions then it is safe to say that these people were targetted for political reasons.

a physical assault , being held at knifepoint against their will ( held captive ) criminal damage to property  and no arrest . is the garda ombudsman going to investigate this neglect of duty.
compare this to those jailed in the water protest. 
@chuculainn Garda.  don't  make arrests in the middle of mob rule.They are an unarmed force.They will make arrests in the coming days.Your comments are typical of those who support mob rule and who have no respect for the law.
@chuculainn Nonsense comment. When a young fella was arrested after the water protest riots there you were wailing like it was the greatest injustice you'd ever heard of. 
Now you're not happy that a couple of hundred teenagers weren't arrested on the spot. You even bring the Garda ombudsman into it. Maybe the politicians we have are not that bad after all. Sigh.

The real stupidity was to put the announcement on Facebook.
@BrianPOCinneide Indeed. Although it might not have been them. Likely one of the girl's friends posted something about going to a party. These things can spiral fast. You might know your friends on FB, but you don't know who your friends' friends are. 

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