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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wired Science

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African Scientist: African Corruption Made Ebola Worse

Since last week, there has been some good news on the Ebola front: a suggestion that the epidemic in Liberia is beginning to slow down, with fewer new cases reported. At the same time, there is a new outbreak in Sierra Leone, in a part of the country that thought it had beaten the disease […]
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This High-Tech Greenhouse Tests What Crops Will Survive Climate Change

It may have a glass roof and be filled with plants, but the Advanced Crop Lab at the Durham, North Carolina, headquarters of agricultural biotech firm Syngenta does a lot more than a typical greenhouse. Scientists can program its dozens of rooms with individual climates in order to test new crops that might flourish in our sweltering, drought-filled future.
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Alvin dives to new depths

With the completion of the new Alvin, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute’s storied deep-sea submersible, 50 million square miles of previously inaccessible seafloor real estate is now open to scientific investigation. Before its upgrades, Alvin was rated to dive to 15,000 feet, but a new titanium personnel sphere means it can now dive as deep as 21,000 feet—and that depth rating opens up 98 percent of the seafloor to Alvin’s robotic fingertips.
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A Word on Last Week’s Failures

In May 1968, during its first run in theaters, the classic science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey captured my six-year-old imagination. A few months later, in the real world of spaceflight, Apollo 8 orbited the moon. I watched in wonder on Christmas Eve as an overexposed Earth glared from the black & white TV […]
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Formaldehyde and Chicken Eggs: What’s Inside a Flu Shot

Caren Alpert Flu virus All flu vaccines start with flu viruses: genetic material packaged in an envelope of proteins and fats, studded with yet more proteins—antigens—that push the body’s immune system into action. With thousands of possible flu variants out there, the World Health Organization looks at info from 141 labs around the world to […]
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15 Incredible Photos That’ll Remind You to Be Awed by Planet Earth

One photo captures the astonishing moment before a wildebeest plunges into a stream in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Park. And another image chronicles the unlikely escape of a penguin from the looming jaws of a leopard seal. From the ethereal colors of a ghostly aurora to the undersea adventures of a young kid in the Philippines, these photos – and the others in this gallery – are some of the winners of the California Academy of Sciences' BigPicture competition.
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Dressing Up a Rover as a Baby Penguin—For Science!

Scientists who study wild animals want to get as close as possible to their subjects without stressing them out or disrupting their natural behaviors. One possible solution: remote-controlled rovers.
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Charting the World’s Easiest—And Most Punishing—Marathon Routes

November’s New York City Marathon is a little bit Jekyll-and-Hyde, combining benevolent descents with sinister climbs; the equally prestigious Boston course gifts a runner with merciful downhills. And if the there-and-back Whiskey Row race in Arizona looks too hellish, head to Berlin.
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No Automation, One Shot at Landing: It’s Really Hard to Fly SpaceShipTwo

Friday morning, Virgin Galactic’s spaceship, meant to eventually take wealthy passengers on brief rides into space, crashed during a test flight over southern California. One of the pilots onboard was killed, the other suffered serious injuries and was transported to the hospital. It’s a serious setback for the space tourism effort, but is unlikely to kill the enterprise altogether. The program is quite advanced, and Richard Branson’s employees have put a ton of effort into finding a reliable way to get people into space. Here's how they plan to do it once they're back on track.
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Space Tourism Isn’t Worth Dying For

Today, a brave Virgin Galactic test pilot is dead and another one critically injured---in the service of a millionaire boondoggle thrill ride.

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