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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Grist- Climate and Energy

Climate & Energy


Obama pledges $3 billion for world climate fund, makes the GOP look even dumber

As Obama, our allies in Europe, and even China, commit to reduce emissions, Republicans are becoming more isolated by the day.
Climate & Energy

The Dark Lord of Coal Country could (finally) spend time behind bars

Don Blankenship, the former CEO of Massey Energy, has been indicted on charges that could land him in jail for 30 years.
Climate & Energy

Phew! Texas textbook publisher ditches climate denial

Pearson, the world's largest education publisher, nixes climate denial from its Texas textbook. Huzzah!
Business & Technology

This solar-powered, glow-in-the-dark, Van Gogh-inspired bike path will blow your mind

Goodbye everyone, we're moving to the Netherlands.
Climate & Energy

Big Energy has tried to turn people of color against solar power since forever

Happily, more and more people are seeing through the hype.
Going for a hat trick?

Now that China and the U.S. have a climate deal, will India step up next?

India is the world's No. 3 carbon emitter, and now it's in the hot seat.
Climate & Energy

What climate hawks can learn from the midterms: Messaging and money matter

The mainstream media spun the election as a debilitating blow for climate advocates. That's the wrong takeaway.
Climate & Energy

No, the new climate deal does not let China off the hook

Republicans say the agreement doesn't require China to do anything. Here's why they're wrong.
Shocking news

Your odds of getting struck by lightning just increased

Thanks, climate change.
Here be ocean acidification

This map shows where we’ve screwed the oceans most

Now we know exactly which places are suffering most from ocean acidification.
Climate & Energy

Obama’s deal with China is a big win for solar, nuclear, and clean coal

We could soon see an armistice in the solar trade war.
We're from the GOP and we're here to help ... fry the planet

Meet the Senate leaders who plan to gut the EPA and approve Keystone

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the new Republican committee chairs are all hostile to climate action.
Climate & Energy

4 reasons Republicans are losing their sh*t over the U.S.-China climate deal

The GOP is really not happy about this new agreement. Here's why.
Climate & Energy

5 more things to celebrate besides the big new climate deal

We’ve cherry-picked a few other good news items to keep your serotonin levels elevated.
Caught Wet-handed

California drought leads to a black market for water

California's worst-in-history drought is creating a whole new revenue stream for water poachers.
Climate & Energy

We’ve never seen so many climate hawks happy at one time

Climate hawks are exhibiting rare displays of optimism on Twitter, thanks to the new U.S-China agreement. See them while they last!
Climate & Energy

No, Obama’s carbon limits won’t mean massive power outages

Our electric grid's overseer warns that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan threatens the reliability of our power systems, but climate change itself is a bigger danger to dependability.
Where There's Smoke ...

Getting stoned in Boulder will now come with a carbon tax

Boulder, in the weed kingdom of Colorado, plans to start charging pot producers extra to offset their carbon costs.
Secrets secrets are no fun

With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness

Scientists and ordinary citizens use satellite and aerial photography to look for clues connecting Pennsylvania fracking sites and mysterious maladies.
Holy disappearing smoke!

New U.S.-China climate deal is a game changer

President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have announced that they are pursuing ambitious new greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Throwing bad money after bad

Rich countries are still wasting billions on subsidies for fossil fuels

The G20 nations pledged to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. Instead they're now spending $88 billion a year just on exploration, not to mention all the other subsidies.

Pollution could land your kid at the back of the class — and in prison

Recent studies show that air pollution decreases test scores and contributes to ADHD, both of which can cause big trouble later in life.

How the GOP-run Senate could ruin global climate action here and abroad

Undermining the EPA also means undermining climate treaty negotiations in Paris next year.
Climate & Energy

Will China help Obama save the planet?

The U.S.-China talks could be a crucial step in the fight against global warming.
sip in the right direction

California’s new coffee farm isn’t your average joe

Jay Ruskey is the first farmer in the continental U.S. to grow coffee commercially. Here's what that means for the future of coffee.

Mamas, please let your daughters grow up to be scientists

An embarrassingly small proportion of real-life scientists are women. This photographer wants to change that.
Climate & Energy

Texas official ignores voters’ ban on fracking

Days after Denton passed its fracking ban, Texas Railroad Commission Chair Christi Craddick said she'd keep giving oil companies permits to drill.
The Dead Sea

Dead zones are coming for your rivers, lakes, and oceans

A new study found that climate change is increasing the chance of dead zones worldwide. Oh great.
Climate & Energy

Could this rock save the planet?

Olivine may be kryptonite for climate change, but it fights CO2 as only a mineral can -- incredibly slowly.

Eugene from the Walking Dead is apparently running for Congress

The dude leading the fight against the zombie apocalypse just took a page from the GOP's climate change playbook.

What’s more likely to kill you: A car crash or vehicle emissions?

The answer actually surprised us.
This is the dividend

A proposal to save the middle class … by cutting carbon pollution

Peter Barnes' plan is politically impossible, but isn't everything now? So what the hell, let's check it out.
Going up!

This video explains how to make you richer and protect the climate

Author and thinker Peter Barnes gives an elevator pitch for his proposal -- in an actual elevator.
Climate & Energy

Here’s what it looks like when a typhoon devastates your city

A year ago, Typhoon Haiyan slammed the Philippines. Here's what that looked like.

Stephen Colbert to the children of America: Dream of being a politician with zero grasp of science!

America's coastline, meet your reaper: James Inhofe, Oklahoma senator.

Was the shocking outcome of Maryland’s gubernatorial race about rain, or something else?

Pundits have blamed the "rain tax" for Anthony Brown's loss to an unknown Republican. But did race play a role?
Gaelic Gale Power

Scotland may achieve energy independence before political independence

Scotland's wind turbines are producin' loads o' lecky.
Balls In Your Court

I watched a bunch of scrotums get snipped and it was totally fine

Before advocating for men to take some reproductive responsibility, we set out to confirm that their options don't suck.

No, Americans did not just vote to “drill, baby, drill!”

Big Oil and its Republican lackeys claim that the recent elections give them a mandate to drill. It couldn't be farther from the truth.

Surprise! This GOP senator’s theory about volcanoes and climate change is totally wrong

This should not actually come as a surprise.

Move over Beyonce, there’s a new Queen Bee

America's honey royalty don bee beards and travel the U.S. to spread awareness about the little pollinators and colony collapse.
Here Comes the Sun

America’s solar boom, in charts

It's been a bit player, but solar power is about to shine.

Here’s how one green group got its investments out of dirty energy

Oregon Environmental Council aligned its portfolio with its values -- and still makes money.
House Warming

Here are the worst places to live in the U.S., and climate change isn’t helping

The Weather Channel found 50 places you SHOULD NOT move, based on natural disasters and climate change. Here's a sampling.

Meet your new fossil fuel-loving GOP senators

Some are blatant climate deniers. Others hedge on the issue. But they all agree that we should do nothing to stop it.
Climate & Energy

How climate change is like street harassment

It is difficult to convince people that their actions have, knowingly or unknowingly, contributed to substantial aggregate harms. It's true of catcalling women on the street and it's true of climate change.

Hey! Did somebody frack my favorite beer?

A reader worries about fracking water tainting beer. Umbra hops to it.

Chevron spent $72 per voter to defeat these green candidates — and failed

A refinery town's activist and green governing coalition prevails in the face of an oil company's millions.

Green groups spent millions on the midterms. What did it get them?

That money — it looks like there was at least $85 million — bought a lot of ads. But on Election Day, it's not clear that it paid off.
Climate & Energy

Get ready for another extremely cold winter starting NOW

We'd joke that winter is coming, but our tongues are stuck to a light pole.
the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.

Holy sh*t, a town in Texas just banned fracking

Eight fracking bans went to voters during these elections. Half of them won, including one in the Lone Star State.
Climate & Energy

Clean energy may be dead in D.C., but here’s how you can lead the charge

OpenIDEO wants your ideas for a renewable-energy-filled future.

The new GOP Senate is already gearing up to cause climate mayhem

Republicans' top priorities: approving the Keystone XL pipeline and blocking Obama's plan to curb CO2 emissions from power plants.

3 climate hawks who won their races

… and five climate hawks who lost.
Greenhouse Effect

Which plants will survive climate change? This greenhouse could have the answers

The greenhouse is owned by a biotech company in Durham, N.C., that understands that resilience means money.
Climate & Energy

Meet the mom leading the fight against fracking in Santa Barbara

Rebecca Claassen has put her life on hold to fight for Measure P, a ban on fracking and similar techniques in Santa Barbara County.
Climate & Energy

3,500 voters in North Dakota could put the brakes on huge fracking boom

Voters on a small Native American reservation are choosing between two candidates who want to crack down on the oil industry.
Climate & Energy

Tar-sands industry loses $17.1 billion thanks to public opposition

A new report spells out the financial costs of the public opposition to tar-sands development.
Climate & Energy

The Tom Steyer campaigns you haven’t heard about yet

The political moneyman and climate activist is spending big to put Democrats in control of key state legislatures.

In Richmond, Calif., it’s Chevron’s $3 million vs. a green slate

A refinery town's reputation as an environmental-justice pioneer is in peril, thanks to a pile of oil money and a torrent of negative ads.

Is snacking on a scorpion sexy?

Enter SexyFood, a French startup that's trying to get you to eat bugs -- hopefully with more success than we've ever had.
Climate & Energy

We pay inmates $3 a day to fight California wildfires

The program is sold as a way to teach criminals the virtue of hard work. But who are the real criminals here?
Oliver, Clothes Off

John Oliver takes on ALEC, state legislatures, and (we hope) a threesome with us and Jon Stewart

John Oliver of "Last Week Tonight" shreds ALEC and the ridiculous politicians who support their shite-for-the-climate policies.
Grumpier old men

The Weather Channel founder is the climate-denying grandpa you never had

John Coleman is a climate denier, The Weather Channel co-founder, and a serious grumpus.
Climate & Energy

Wait, who says people of color don’t care about the climate?

A new poll claims that blacks and Latinos are far too busy fretting about jobs and schools to worry about climate change. That's just bunk.
Climate & Energy

Rotten odors rouse citizen sleuths in Pennsylvania gas patch

Since government won't monitor whether the oil-and-gas boom is wrecking air quality, volunteers have stepped in. Now their work is getting peer-reviewed and published.
Climate & Energy

The 10 things you need to know from the new IPCC climate report

This is -- finally and for real -- the last installment of the report. Here's what it says in a nutshell.
Climate & Energy

After Irene, Vermont shows us what climate resilience looks like

Hurricane Irene pummeled rural communities in Vermont. Their response can teach us a lot about community.
Climate & Energy

Fracking pollution just went airborne

A new study published this week shows that fracking chemicals aren't just polluting our waterways, they're taking to the skies, too.

Scary maps show how bad California’s water shortage is

Just how bad is California's water shortage? Really, really bad, according to these maps.

Is this House Republican about to lose to a climate hawk?

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) lurched to the right to fend off primary challengers. Now, he may pay the price.
Climate & Energy

32 countries where global warming could make violence worse

A new report ranks the countries most vulnerable to climate conflicts and food insecurity.
Climate & Energy

Texas lobbying group busted for phony anti-solar campaign

The Consumer Energy Alliance has been pushing a cynical campaign to turn public opinion against policies that promote solar power. In Wisconsin, it just backfired.
Climate & Energy

Meet the Amazon tribespeople who beat Chevron in court — but are still fighting for clean water

With the judgment in their favor tied up in a New York courtroom, indigenous residents of Ecuador's oil-polluted rainforest are going back to basics.

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