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Sunday, November 16, 2014

France 24 International

International News 24/7

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23:40 (Paris time) AFRICA NEWS


For American Napoleon, there's a future after Waterloo


Romania's PM concedes defeat in presidential race


Djokovic wins ATP title after Federer pulls out

G20 leaders hold a plenary meeting in Brisbane

G20 pushes climate change up global agenda

François Fillon (left) and Jean-Pierre Jouyet

Ex-French PM steps up legal battle against Hollande’s top aide


Nigerian army recaptures Chibok, hometown of abducted girls


Erdogan claims America was discovered by Muslims, not Columbus


Napoleon's hat fetches 1.8 million euros at Paris auction


Work begins to remove MH17 plane wreckage in east Ukraine

    Junior Binyam, CAF spokesman, tells why Equatorial Guinea will host 2015 Africa...
    Football red-carded after yet another scandal
    India Sterilisation Scandal - More Arrests in Wake of Botched Operations
    Rosetta Probe - 'Last Ditch' Attempt to Get Samples from Comet
    On the frontline: Peshmerga fighters hold off Iraq's jihadist
    Taking 'Made in France' to the maximum
  • #THE 51%
    Anger in Canada over murders of Aboriginal women
    The extraordinary Nutcrucker by Verbruggen and French designers On Aura Tout Vu
    Frank Gehry speaks to FRANCE 24
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Hot topics
  • Asia-pacific - G20 pushes climate change up global agenda

    Asia-pacific - G20 pushes climate change up global agenda

    I ( like many Australians) am so embarrassed by the government of Australia, led by Tony Abbott,our most backwards non thinking prime minister yet -refuses to believe in or assist with global warming,Aboriginal deaths in custody and too many other social issues that are threatening our way of life,he is Australia's biggest terrorist and his opinions and beliefs are not held by me ,just needed to say this so that international readers can realise that not all Australians are so misinformed as the Prime Minister that we are stuck with at the moment.
    from odee, 25 minutes ago
  • Europe - For American Napoleon, there's a future after Waterloo

    Europe - For American Napoleon, there's a future after Waterloo

    Napoleon while having very good generals was very much like Adolf Hitler in a very controlling way, and inept to boot. Even Blucher the Austrian cavalryman was better than Napoleon at 70-years of age. In point of fact Napoleon was the greatest failure in history and was grossly over rated to the point of insanity by some who had no idea about history.
    from Kenneth T. Tellis, 9 hours 51 minutes ago
  • Europe - Sarkozy wants to scrap France’s gay marriage law

    Europe - Sarkozy wants to scrap France’s gay marriage law

    The desperate ramblings of a has-been loser trying to win over the hard-right by stripping gays and lesbians of equality before the law. Stripping the rights of minorities is not leadership, its cowardice.
    from petermcdermott, 15 hours 37 minutes ago
  • Europe - Sarkozy wants to scrap France’s gay marriage law

    Europe - Sarkozy wants to scrap France’s gay marriage law

    Good Man!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 16 hours 59 minutes ago
  • Europe - Kiev suspends state services in rebel-held east

    Europe - Kiev suspends state services in rebel-held east

    And the West will whine when Russia helps them!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Putin to leave G20 early after West slams Russia over Ukraine

    Asia-pacific - Putin to leave G20 early after West slams Russia over Ukraine

    Stand firm Mr Putin!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - US, Europe blast Russia over Ukraine at G20 summit

    Asia-pacific - US, Europe blast Russia over Ukraine at G20 summit

    The problems in the Ukraine were initiated by the United States! So,who are the real threat to the world!
    from Mark B. Flanders, 1 day 14 hours 21 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - US, Europe blast Russia over Ukraine at G20 summit

    Asia-pacific - US, Europe blast Russia over Ukraine at G20 summit

    this is the video: military jet knock of Boing above Donetsk region. Why do france24 keep silence. ***://[internal_traffic]--[]-[main_body]-[item_5]
    from Mikhail, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • The interview - George Soros: Russia is a 'mafia state'

    The interview - George Soros: Russia is a 'mafia state'

    Sorry auto correction made Soros into Doris.
    from Howouldino, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • The interview - George Soros: Russia is a 'mafia state'

    The interview - George Soros: Russia is a 'mafia state'

    Doris doesn't like Putin because he does not control Putin.
    from Howouldino, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • France - Assassin’s Creed makes 'mockery' of French Revolution

    France - Assassin’s Creed makes 'mockery' of French Revolution

    then we have perfect symmetry. Because Assassin 's creed '“discredits the Republic' and Hollande discredits Socialism.
    from Babeouf, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
  • Europe - Mayor of Nice, ‘France’s first Russian city’, slams Moscow-bashing

    Europe - Mayor of Nice, ‘France’s first Russian city’, slams Moscow-bashing

    He is absolutely correct! France would be better off not to follow the Western trouble makers.
    from Mark B. Flanders, 21 hours 50 minutes ago
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