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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fire Engineering Webcast

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Size Up for Safety and Effectiveness
  Premieres LIVE: November 13, 2014
Free to Attend     Register Today

This webcast will examine why the strategy chosen by first-arriving companies and the tactics they perform can be entirely appropriate in the initial stages of a firefighting operation but may become ineffective and unreasonably dangerous later in an incident.
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What You'll Learn:
  • Why size up isn’t just performed on arrival, rather it must continue throughout the duration of an incident.
  • Why size up must be performed from two perspectives; inside and outside a fire building.
  • Why a red flag should go up when an inside size up and outside size up are not in agreement.
  • Why experienced firefighters do not operate at every phase of a firefighting operation with the same strategy, tactics or level of risk.
  • This webcast will also examine factors that must be considered in an on-going size up that continuously evaluates the risk to civilians and firefighters against the intended benefits.
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Who Should Attend:
Fire officers, engine company members, and all line firefighters

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Register Now
November 13, 2014

1:00 PM EST
12:00 PM CST
10:00 AM PST
6:00 PM GMT

Click Here to Register

Registration Rates:
Free to Attend


NEW! All live and on demand webcasts are now available on any mobile device including iPads, tablets and phones!
  Bill Gustin, Captain, Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue Department

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