Translation from English

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Der Spiegel

Stripping Neighbors of Money: Pressure Mounts for EU Crackdown on Tax Havens

Stripping Neighbors of Money: Pressure Mounts for EU Crackdown on Tax Havens
Corporations pay low taxes in Luxembourg. As prime minister, Jean-Claude Juncker carried partial blame for this policy. Politicians in Brussels have maneuvered to save him from the scandal, but the case has cast light on Europe's tax-dumping problem. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]
SPIEGEL E-Book: 1914 - 2014. The Disturbing Relevance of World War I
  • Even a century after the outbreak of World War I, its consequences can still be felt. SPIEGEL explored this phenomenon in a recent series, using World War I as the starting point for observing conditions today in a number of the world's regions. These included the role of the United States as a superpower and global police force, the ongoing failure of peace efforts in the Middle East and the as yet unresolved ethnic divisions in the Balkans last manifested in the Bosnian War. In the 12 features, now compiled as an E-Book, SPIEGEL reporters describe the effects of the primal catastrophe of the 20th century that remain present today.
  • Edited By Alfred Weinzierl and Klaus Wiegrefe:
    1914 - 2014 The Disturbing Relevance of World War I.
  • Buy the E-Book for $3.49

Putin's Reach Merkel Concerned about Russian Influence in the Balkans

Putin's Reach: Merkel Concerned about Russian Influence in the Balkans
Berlin has begun to see Moscow as an adversary rather than as a potential partner. The German government is concerned about efforts by Russian President Vladimir Putin to increase his influence in the Balkans. Stopping him, however, could prove difficult. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Fantastic Voyage Europe Prepares First Comet Landing

Fantastic Voyage: Europe Prepares First Comet Landing
On Wednesday, astronomers with the European Space Agency will attempt a maneuver that has never been tried before. A probe from the spacecraft Rosetta is to land on a comet some 500 million kilometers away. The mission could teach us about life on Earth. By Olaf Stampf more... Comment ]

Democratic Deficit It's Time to Put Juncker on the Hot Seat

Democratic Deficit: It's Time to Put Juncker on the Hot Seat
Can the European Commission be led by a man who transformed his own country into a tax oasis? The debate is long overdue and Jean-Claude Juncker can no longer afford to shirk the question. more... Comment ]

The Lost Children France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem

The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem
More than 1,000 young people from France have joined extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, more than from any other European country. The recruits are no longer just coming from the margins of society. By Julia Amalia Heyer more... Comment ]

The Chaos Republics Stagnation and Infighting Take Hold in Eastern Ukraine

The Chaos Republics: Stagnation and Infighting Take Hold in Eastern Ukraine
There was a time when it looked as though eastern Ukraine might become part of Russia. Now, though, rebels in the region have been fighting among themselves and Moscow is unsure how to proceed. Sunday's election changed nothing. By Christian Neef more... Comment ]

Sun Sets on Golden Dawn Greek Party Accused in Killings and Racist Attacks

Sun Sets on Golden Dawn: Greek Party Accused in Killings and Racist Attacks
Greece's public prosecutor claims the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party bears all the characteristics of a 'criminal organization'. Party members stand accused of murder and other acts of violence. Will Greek officials soon move to ban Chrysi Avgi? By Manfred Ertel more... Comment ]

Approaching Brexit? Merkel Fears Britain Crossing a Red Line on Immigration

Approaching Brexit? Merkel Fears Britain Crossing a Red Line on Immigration
David Cameron is furious about the EU Commission's demand that the UK make a back payment of €2.1 billion. But it is the British prime minister's stance on immigration that has German Chancellor Merkel more worried. She fears he may be crossing a red line. By Nikolaus Blome, Christoph Scheuermann and Gregor Peter Schmitz more... Comment ]

Eve of Election A Fractured Ukraine, United in Uncertainty

Eve of Election: A Fractured Ukraine, United in Uncertainty
As the Ukrainian election approaches, citizens are both hopeful and skeptical about their country's future. But their biggest concern isn't the war in the east or Russian interference -- it's the country's need for a working state. By Christian Neef more... Comment ]

'Poets and Alchemists' Berlin and Paris Undermine Euro Stability

'Poets and Alchemists': Berlin and Paris Undermine Euro Stability
Market uncertainty over the future of the euro has returned, but that hasn't stopped France from flouting European Union deficit rules. Berlin is already busy hashing out a dubious compromise. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

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