Translation from English

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Der Spiegel Online

Days of Terror: Iraqi Christians Live in Fear of ISIS

Days of Terror: Iraqi Christians Live in Fear of ISIS
Some 40,000 Christians live in Qaraqosh, a town near Mosul, Iraq. Residents have been gathering daily in 12 local churches as ISIS jihadists advance towards the community. Their existence is a precarious one. By Katrin Kuntz in Qaraqosh, Iraq more... Comment ]
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European Partners

Interview with Melinda Gates 'Simple Things Can Have a Huge Effect'

Interview with Melinda Gates: 'Simple Things Can Have a Huge Effect'
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private global development organization in the world. In a SPIEGEL interview, Melinda Gates explains the couple's start in philanthropy, the challenges of combatting disease in conflict zones and the unique responsibility of the wealthy. Interview Conducted by Samiha Shafy and Mathieu von Rohr more... Comment ]

The New Face of Terror ISIS' Rise Pushes Iraq to Brink

The New Face of Terror: ISIS' Rise Pushes Iraq to Brink
The jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is relatively new on the scene, but its secretive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has quickly transformed it into one of the most feared terrorist groups around. It threatens to completely transform the Middle East. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Gaza in Crisis The Strong Female Voice of Hamas

Gaza in Crisis: The Strong Female Voice of Hamas
Isra al-Mudallal is the outspoken, strong-willed new spokesperson for the Hamas government in Gaza. Her goal is to become a role model for young girls -- but first she has to overcome the region's conservative traditions. By Julia Amalia Heyer more... Comment ]

Abbreviations Explained How to Read the NSA Documents

NOFORN, SIGDEV, WHARPDRIVE: Intelligence services are fond of code names and abbreviations. This glossary helps explain important terms. more...

A Country Implodes ISIS Pushes Iraq to the Brink

A Country Implodes: ISIS Pushes Iraq to the Brink
The terror group ISIS has occupied vast portions of Syria and Iraq in the hopes of establishing a caliphate. The jihadists' success lays bare Iraq's disintegration and could ignite yet another civil war between Shiites and Sunnis in the country. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Miracle Crop India's Quest to End World Hunger

Miracle Crop: India's Quest to End World Hunger
Over one third of humanity is undernourished. Now a group of scientists are experimenting with specially-bred crops, and hoping to launch a new Green Revolution -- but controversy is brewing. By Philip Bethge more... Comment ]

World Cup 2022 The Dark Side of the Qatar Dream

World Cup 2022: The Dark Side of the Qatar Dream
Qatar is spending billions to build hotels, subways, shopping centers and stadiums ahead of the World Cup in 2022. But those working on the projects are poorly paid and poorly housed. And some of them can't leave. By Christoph Scheuermann more... Comment ]

Interview with UN Peace Envoy Brahimi 'Syria Will Become Another Somalia'

Interview with UN Peace Envoy Brahimi: 'Syria Will Become Another Somalia'
For almost two years, Lakhdar Brahimi sought to bring peace to Syria. But in May, the United Nations special envoy stepped down. He speaks with SPIEGEL about the stubbornness of Syrian President Assad, the mistakes of the West and the dangers presented by Islamic radicals. Interview by Susanne Koelbl more... Comment ]

Fahrenheit 1989 China Erases Memories of Tiananmen

Fahrenheit 1989: China Erases Memories of Tiananmen
Twenty-five years ago, the Chinese army violently suppressed protests on Tiananmen Square. To this day, Beijing uses pressure, censorship and money to stifle all attempts to commemorate the seminal incident in an up-and-coming China. By Bernhard Zand in Beijing more... Comment ]

'We'll Get You' An Albanian Boy's Life Ruined by Blood Feuds

'We'll Get You': An Albanian Boy's Life Ruined by Blood Feuds
Blood feuds still exist in Albania and those involved have to live a life in hiding. They include people like Leonard Qukaj, who has left his home only rarely in the last four years for fear of being murdered by a rival clan -- or by his own uncle. By Katrin Kuntz and Maria Feck (photos) in Shkoder, Albania more... Comment ]

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