Translation from English

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time Warner Cable TV of NYC....more beloved than Hitler or Stalin and certainly Pol Pot

There once was a time when Time Warner Cable TV of New York bestrode the world in Seven League Boots..

Then it was given a patch of turf in NYC to use, abuse, and rip off countless innocent souls who will be cursing this awful company to the best of their ability on Yelp...

This is today's main story, in fact, prompted by my latest miseries in dealing with TWCTNYC..they called me on the phone this morning and left a message saying how lucky I was they wanted my feedback and would call again.

Will let Yelp reviews do the talking...I cannot run as many as I would like, I probably won't get to the man who says, " Time Warner, I hate you, my children hate you and my descendants will all hate you until the day they can get rid of you forever" or approximately those words.

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127 reviews in English

  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 7 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    Pretty bad customer service. Pretty spotty quality. But they have a monopoly in the area I live in, so I need to put up with it. I've had RCN in the past, and they're much better.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 27 reviews
    New York, NY
    1.0 star rating

  • Review from

    • 3 friends
    • 59 reviews
    Middle Village, NY
    No stars! None. Not worth one star in service, in wifi service or customer satisfaction.
    I have had Time Warner for TV, phone & Internet/wifi for over 4 years. It is horrible. Bad. Not worth your money. We have to reboot our wifi modem nearly everyday somers 2-3x a day since 2009. Time Warner has sent out technicians numerous times. They were up in the pole outside, swapping splitters inside the house, outside the house, swapped out the modem, the wifi service still SUCKS!!

    Will/would drop Time Warner as soon as we can get Verizon Fios.
  • Review from

    • 105 friends
    • 78 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    Would a 5 year contract with Time Warner cable be the worst thing that can happen?  No, it wouldn't be the worst thing.  It would be the 2nd worst thing.

    1.) Being tortured with the swinging hammer in Casino Royale
    2.) Having to use Time Warner for another 5 years
    3.) Cliff gets eaten by a mutant alligator.  (I am Cliff, and I approve the order of this list)

    You know what I like about Duane Reade?  You get what you pay for.  If you want a kitkat bar, all you have to do is pay for it and they'll hand you a kitkat.  Seriously.  There's no tricks.  You get what you pay for.  There's "deal" that you have to buy a package of m&m's, 100 grand just to get the kitkat.  There isn't a catch that after a year  you have to pay extra for the kitkat you own.  You don't open up the package and see only half a kitkat inside.  And if any of those things happened, you'd say hey, there wasn't a kitkat inside and they'd give you a new one!

    This is the problem with Time Warner.  They trick you.  They love making you look like a fool.  You know how people love twist endings in movies?  No one loves twist endings in real life.  No one.  Who would like finding out that they were actually dead?  nobody.

    This review isn't coherent I know, just telling you if there is any sort of alternative to Time Warner, USE IT.  You'll save yourself the moronic loopholes that you have to jump through just to talk to a representative.  (Ok seriously, everyone knows how to restart their router.  Any idiot knows how to plug and unplug things.  If you didn't, you'd probably either be a new born child, or a giant blue alien that believes in tree gods.)

    Anyway.  I still use Time Warner.  And I hate it.  I hate it more than when I get a spaghetti stain on my white t-shirt.  More than when a cab splashes dirty street water in my mouth.  And even more than pouring a million snakes in my pants.  Because the worst about Time Warner, is they make your life miserable, and they love it.  And relish in it.

    P.S. Screw proof reading, this is going up angry and hard to read!!
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 13 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    Is there any way to assign TWC with negative stars? They offer a terrible, unreliable, service, at an exorbitant cost... And have the worst customer service on the planet.
  • Review from

    • 4 friends
    • 5 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    I want to watch shows on the TNT Now app, the ABC Now app but Time Warner Cable is not one of the providers that can get it! Meanwhile WOW cable customers and many others can get TNT.
    TWC is SO lame!!!!!
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 16 reviews
    Boston, MA
    As you can see, TERRIBLE.  The worst the worst the worst the worst.  Anytime you want to call to get anything done, cancel your account, ask a question, or get your service setup, plan on speaking to them for at least 2 hours, getting transferred over 9 times and having your call dropped at least 4 times.

  • Review from

    • 14 friends
    • 43 reviews
    Woodside, Queens, NY
    If I could have given zero stars I would have. Time Warner sucks. SUCKS. I was just on hold for 31 minutes to cancel my current service, then had a customer service representative ask why I hadn't called to have them fix the issues I was sick of dealing with. Well for starters...I was just ON HOLD FOR 31 MINUTES BEFORE I COULD SPEAK TO ANYONE.  Customer service and fixing issues is not a priority for them, and guess what!? I don't have the time to take a day off of work with crappy internet service (disallowing me to work from home) so that I can wait for a technician to POSSIBLY show up during a 5 hour window of time who could potentially cancel/leave my apartment should I fail to answer their random # phone call while going to the bathroom for 2 minutes.

    I'm disgusted with the monopoly they have in the NYC area. I am dying, simply DYING to get service from RCN, but alas, they do not service my particular STREET (not town or city, but street). Time Warner has dibs on my building, end of story. If you're looking for a new service, PLEASE see if RCN is offered in your area. It is so much cheaper with 10x's the value of Crap Warner. The Hopper will serve you well for tv, but doesn't offer internet. Hopefully they will at some point.

    I'm not a HUGE TV junkie, but I'm smart enough to know that it's bogus that the service I'm paying for to include HD channels doesn't work.The HD channels are never available. I like to see my actors skin close up so I can tell who does and does not actually have bad skin. You DON'T get what you pay for.

    The internet is supposed to be 15 MB...but after a techie friend checked things out, on average the speed I was receiving was 5 MB. The customer service representative I spoke with told me that if they'd known they could have done something about it, however there is also a little part in the contract I idiotically signed stating that while this is the highest I'm supposed to receive,  in times of high volume usage it wouldn't be possible. It's high volume usage 24/7 in Queens, apparently.

    Awful company. Runner up to the MTA.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 14 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    I would give TW no stars if I could. They have absolutely THE WORST SERVICE I have ever experienced. Daily we have Internet connection issues in our apartment (we live in Harlem). I've called their customer service more than I've called my own mother. Their customer service reps are generally pretty nice but that doesn't solve our on-going issues. One time they did have someone come and switch the router out but that hasn't solved the problem. I find it appalling that we have to pay a monthly modem rental fee for a freaking USED modem. WTF is that about?

    Time Warner is utter shit. And what's worse is we have no choice to go anywhere else to get Internet service. They have the monopoly in our area. Total bullshit.
  • Review from

    • 3 friends
    • 16 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    Updated - 4/19/2013
    EDIT!!  UPDATE!!  Time-Warner sent me a real piece of garbage, a uBee Router/modem combo.
    THE UBEE MODEM DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY OUT OF THE BOX IF YOU HAVE A MAC. You need to do extensive changing of the settings, which is beyond most people. As-is, your service will be VERY SLOW, pages will not load, and other major problems. You can Google for some fixes, BUT:

    A) I stupidly didn't realize that TW was not only going to charge me $3.95 per month for a "modem lease", but that if you used the wireless router, they charge you $5.95 per month "wireless fee"!!  JUST FOR CONNECTING TO THE WIRELESS ON YOUR ROUTER, WHICH IS ALREADY ON!! INSANE RIP-OFF!! Outrageous!! Ridiculous! That's $10 per month, or $120 per year fee, ON TOP of the other charges, to use their garbage equipment.

    Go to eBay, get a used Motorola SB5101u modem for about $20 (or many others, just Google for "Time Warner RR compatible modems"), and use your own router, like the Airport Extreme, Airport Express, or any other wireless N modem. (You can use your own modem/router for PC or Mac, it makes no difference).

    Call the clueless customer service, activate your modem (you don't have to tell them about your router), and send back their uBee junk. I IMMEDIATELY got twice the speed of the uBee with the Motorola, and GOODBYE $10 PER MONTH EXTORTION FEE. (make sure they delete the charges from your monthly bill). NO MORE FREEZING, PAGES FAILING TO LOAD, AND ROUTER REBOOTS!!!

    DO NOT USE THE TW SUPPLIED UBEE ROUTER!! YOU WILL HAVE CONSTANT PROBLEMS. THE LEVEL 3 TECH SUPPORT IS ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS AND DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU TO FIX THEIR UBEE ROUTER!! (I figured out how to reprogram the uBee after an hour of research, but it is not worth it to play with their expensive, low-quality equipment. Dump it and get rid of the monthly fees!! This is extremely important!)

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    • 1/25/2013
      Absolutely miserable. Signed up for Internet only service.

      I was forced to quit my reliable DSL… Read more »
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 1 review
    New York, NY
    I have TWC in NYC. They do provide internet. But it has been down for a week now in my building floor. And TWC has not been able to solve it since.

    When I first reported the issues on Wed. last week ... the only available appointment was for Saturday. So on Saturday came the technician and she found that the issue is in the building. Apparently on Sunday a tech came ... but the building is with no super on Sunday.

    When I called back on Tuesday this week to report still NO internet .., they are telling me that a technician will come ... Saturday this week. Nobody available before. Even for a repeat visit.

    And every time I called ... I have been on the line with different customer services. The one in NYC, the National Call center ... actually in India !!! and an other service called "Tiers 3"

    They are willing to refund me $ 15 for the time without Internet. That's nothing.

    So after more than 9 days without internet ... I am still waiting for TWC to solve the issue.

    This is BAD management of resource. And unfortunately nothing I can do.

    Be aware in your are losing internet ... with TWC ... call them immediately and call back and back and back and be prepare for an uphill battle.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 1 review
    Western Addition/NOPA, San Francisco, CA
    Not only does Time Warner provide far inferior service than competitors, their prices are much higher. Customer service is terrible, probably the worst I have encountered. After having Verizon Fios for 3 years, Time Warner is a complete downgrade - even though I'm paying much more!!! When you're looking for an apartment, make sure to ask which cable providers are available - if Time Warner is the only one, think twice before getting the apartment!
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 8 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    Time Warner Cable in NYC is the most inept company I have ever had to deal with. Constant missed appointments after clearing our schedules to be here, refusal to fix problems because they don't want to climb the pole, nasty phone support agents, and just a complete and total lack of respect for their customers all the while raising their rates ever higher. If you have ANY other option, use it first. If your only option is TWC, just give up watching TV. It's better than dealing with these people.

    I gave up and canceled my cable after several appointments and the back and forth of phone support telling me a tech had to fix my broken cable and the tech telling me the problem was not with the wiring and that it had to be fixed by a phone support agent. No more cable. Done. I'm saving $100 a month and a ton of aggravation while watching TV on Netflx and Hulu.
  • Review from

    • 28 friends
    • 149 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    Over the past ten years I've probably had dozens of encounters with TWC customer service, and virtually all of them end in frustration, banging my head against the ground and, ultimately, rage. From the moment you hear that nauseatingly cheery automated voice at the other end of the line, you know you're about to descend into the depths of a Kafkaesque nightmare. It would take me days to recount the endless hours I've spent waiting (on the phone or at home) for their customer service reps or technicians, the missed/late appointments, the faulty equipment, the runarounds, the attitude, their haywire automated systems, the same questions being asked over and over's painful to even go on.

    What's worse is how expensive they are. My cable and internet bill literally seems to go up about $5 every three months. How is this possible? I'll tell you how: monopoly. It's ironic that the company invested with cutting edge technology is as corrupt, incompetent and downright criminal in its practices as the old NYC Ma Bell. Guess what? They were a monopoly too.

    If there's any justice in the world, Time Warner Cable of NYC will also be dismantled like Ma Bell was, and, ultimately destroyed and forgotten. Curse you, Time Warner, you embody the worst aspects of corporate America. I say this without exaggeration: you're nothing but a bunch of halfwits and thieves.


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