Translation from English

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Nat Sherman Still Going Strong

After the mass of anti smoking posters in the Grand Central subway station, I came up onto 42nd Street and a short distance away I noticed the famous Nat Sherman Tobacconist was still there as always.

When I was at NYU, I had a friend who introduced me to the place..he would not buy cigarettes anywhere else.

 I never bought any there because they were too expensive and besides I felt bad about smoking as ever, and as ever, was always resolving to quit or trying to quit...

Until they outlaw tobacco though ( internet poll shows that most Americans think they will) smoking is going to remain an intractable habit, or almost, for many people..

I still recommend Nicotine Anonymous as the best place to start. And using nicotine lozenges if you have to. Make a battle plan before you start and prepare yourself psychologically for what you are going to be doing...that is what finally worked for me.

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