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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Today in History- History.Orb

Historical Events on this Day in History

Events in History for Saturday 24th May 2014
Events 1 - 202 of 202
1086 - Abbott Dauferio/Desiderius becomes Pope Victor III
1153 - Malcolm IV becomes King of Scots
1218 - The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt.
1276 - Magnus Ladulås is crowned King of Sweden in Uppsala Cathedral.
1300 - King Philip IV occupies Flanders, Earl Gwijde captured
1370 - Hanzesteden signs peace treaty with Danish king Waldemar IV
1487 - Imposter Lambert Simnel ceremony crowned as King Edward VI of Dublin
1595 - Nomenclator of Leiden University Library appears, the first printed catalog of an institutional library.
1621 - The Protestant Union is formally dissolved.
1653 - German Parliament selects Ferdinand II king of Austria
1658 - Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
1660 - English king Charles II visits Netherlands
1667 - French troops attack into Southern Netherlands
1689 - English Parliament guarantees freedom of religion for Protestants
1697 - English King William III travels through northern Europe
1726 - -26] People's revolt due to increase in gin/brandy tax
1738 - John Wesley is converted, essentially launching the Methodist movement; the day is celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day.
1798 - Irish Rebellion of 1798 led by the United Irishmen against British rule begins.
1809 - Dartmoor Prison opens to house French prisoners of war
Evangelist John WesleyEvangelist John Wesley 1815 - George Evans discovers Lachlan River, Australia
1818 - General Andrew Jackson captures Pensacola Florida
1822 - Battle of Pichincha, Bolívar secures independence of Quito from Spain
1824 - Pope Leo XII proclaims a universal jubilee
1829 - Pope Pius VIII issues his program for pontificate
1830 - "Mary Had A Little Lamb" is published
1830 - 1st passenger rail service in US (Baltimore & Elliots Mill, Maryland)
1832 - The First Kingdom of Greece is declared in the London Conference.
1844 - Samuel Morse taps out "What hath God wrought" (1st telegraph message)
1846 - Gen Zachary Taylor captures Monterey in Mexican War
1854 - Anthony Burns, slave, arrested by US Deputy marshals in Boston
1854 - Lincoln University, Penn, 1st Black college in US founded by John Miller Dickey and Sarah Emlen Cresson
1856 - Pottawatomie Massacre took place in Kansas
1861 - Alexandria, VA occupied by Federal troops
1861 - Maj Gen Benjamin Butler declares slaves "contraband of war"
Inventor Samuel MorseInventor Samuel Morse 1862 - Beardslee field telegraph used for 1st time
1862 - Westminster Bridge across Thames opens
1866 - Berkeley, California named (for George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne)
1870 - Memoria of Jackson Kemper, 1st Missionary Bishop in US
1873 - Leo Delibes' opera "Le Roi l'a Dit" premieres in Paris
1877 - 5th Preakness: C Holloway aboard Cloverbrook wins in 2:45.5
1878 - CA Parker (Harvard) wins 1st American bike race, Beacon Park Boston
1879 - 7th Preakness: L Hughes aboard Harold wins in 2:40.5
1881 - Canadian ferry Princess Victoria sinks near London Ontario, 200 die
1881 - Turkey cedes Thessaly and Arta back to Greece.
1883 - Brooklyn Bridge opened by Pres Arthur & Gov Cleveland
1884 - Anti-Monopoly party & Greenback Party forms People's Party in US
1887 - Sultan Bargash of Zanzibar grants E Afr Association at East African harbors
1890 - Caprivi succeeds Bismarck as chancellor of Germany
1890 - Geo Train & Sam Wall circle world in record 67 days, Tacoma-Tacoma
German Statesman Otto Von BismarckGerman Statesman Otto Von Bismarck 1890 - Tivoli Theater of Varities opens in London
1895 - Henry Irving becomes 1st theatrical knight
1899 - 1st auto repair shop opens (Boston)
1900 - 34th Belmont: Nash Turner aboard Ildrim wins in 2:21¼
1901 - Seventy-eight miners die in the Caerphilly pit disaster in South Wales.
1902 - Empire Day 1st celebrated in Britain
1902 - Cleve's Bill Bradley is 1st ALer to hit a HR run in 4 consecutive games, not duplicated until Babe Ruth does it June 25, 1918
1905 - 39th Belmont: Eugene Hildebrand aboard Tanya wins in 2:08
1908 - Belgium Catholic socialist/liberal parliamentary election
1908 - John Masefields "Tragedy of Nan" premieres in London
1909 - Bristol University granted Royal Charter
1915 - Thomas Edison invents telescribe to record telephone conversations
1916 - Conscription begins in Britain
1916 - French driven out of Fort Douaumont after 500 killed or injured
1916 - Last British-Indian contract workers arrive in Suriname
Inventor Thomas EdisonInventor Thomas Edison 1916 - US pilot William Thaw shoots down a German Fokker
1918 - Cleveland Indians Stan Coveleski sets club record for most innings pitched (19)
1918 - Cleveland beats Yankees 3-2 in 19th inning
1921 - 1st parliament for Northern Ireland elected
1921 - British Legion forms
1922 - Record temperature in Netherlands for May (35.6°C)
1922 - Russian-Italian trade agreement signed
1926 - Paavo Nurmi runs world record 3000 m (8:25.4)
1928 - Record 12 future Hall of Famers take the field, as Yanks beat A's 9-7
1928 - Umberto Nobile flies airship over North Pole again
1929 - Detroit Tigers beats Chicago White Sox, 6-5, in 21 innings
1930 - 1st woman to fly from England to Australia solo, lands (Amy Johnson)
1930 - Bradman scores 252* Australia v Surrey, 290 mins, 29 fours
1930 - Ruth homers in both games of a doubleheader, giving him 9 in one week
1931 - 1st air-conditioned train installed-B&O Railroad
1933 - Dmitri Shostakovitch's Preludes premieres in Moscow
1934 - Colombia & Peru sign accord about harbor city Leticia
1935 - 1st major league night baseball game, in Cincinnati (Reds 2, Phil 1)
1936 - Dutch bishops forbid membership of Nazi party
1936 - Tony Lazerri 2 grand slams (11 RBIs); Ben Chapman sets record by reaching 1st 7 times safely, Yanks beat A's 25-2
1940 - 1st night game at NY's Polo Grounds (Giants 8, Braves 1)
1940 - 1st night game at St Louis Sportsman Park (Indians 3, Browns 2)
1940 - Dutch Queen Wilhelmina speaks on BBC radio
1940 - Dutch army demobilizes
1940 - German tanks reach Atrecht France
Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf HitlerDictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler 1940 - Hitler affirms Gen von Rundstedts "Stopbevel"
1940 - NY Giants rip Boston Bees 8-1 in 1st night game at Polo Grounds
1941 - Bismarck sinks British battle cruiser HMS Hood; 1,416 die, 3 survive
1943 - Admiral Donitz stops U-boat in Atlantic Ocean
1943 - U-441 shoots Sunderland seaplane down over Gulf of Biskaje
1944 - Enver Hoxha becomes head of Albania anti fascists
1944 - Icelandic voters severe all ties with Denmark
1946 - Bill Dickey replaces Joe McCarthy as Yankee manager
1948 - Benjamin Britten's "Beggar's Opera" premieres in Cambridge
1951 - Racial segregation in Wash DC restaurants ruled illegal
1951 - US performs nuclear test at Enwetak (atmospheric tests)
1953 - Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Doctor Mellifluus
1954 - 1st rocket attains 150 mi (241 km) altitude, White Sands, NM
1954 - Dr Peter Murray Marshall becomes 1st black to head an AMA unit
1954 - German airline Lufthansa forms
1954 - IBM announces vacuum tube "electronic" brain that could perform 10 million operations an hour
1956 - Conclusion of the Sixth Buddhist Council on Vesak Day, marking the 2,500 year anniversary after the Lord Buddha's Parinibbāna.
1957 - Anti-American riots breakout in Taipei, Taiwan
1957 - Heavy earthquake strikes Colombia
1958 - "New Girl in Town" closes at 46th St Theater NYC after 432 perfs
Cuban President Fidel CastroCuban President Fidel Castro 1958 - Cuban President Batista opens offensive against Fidel Castro's rebellion
1958 - UP & International News Service merge into United Press International
1959 - 1st house with built-in bomb shelter exhibited (Pleasant Hills, Pa)
1959 - Empire Day renamed Commonwealth Day in Great Britain
1960 - 1 millionth Dutch telephone installed
1961 - 27 Freedom Riders arrested in Jackson, Mississippi
1961 - Explorer (12) fails to reach Earth orbit
1961 - Cyprus joins the Council of Europe.
1962 - M Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 launched into Earth orbit
1963 - 1st Lockheed A-12 to crash, CIA pilot Ken Collins ejects safely
1964 - 18th Tony Awards: Luther & Hello Dolly win
1964 - Beatles' 3rd appearance on Ed Sullivan Show
1964 - Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Dallas Civitan Golf Open Invitational
1964 - Longest HR (471') in Balt Memorial Stadium (Harmon Killebrew, Minn)
1964 - Panic in Lima Peru soccer stadium, kills 300
1965 - Supreme Court declares federal law allowing post office to intercept communist propaganda is unconstitutional
1966 - "Mame" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 1508 performances
1967 - AFL grants a franchise to Cincinnati Bengals
1968 - Haiti closes down shortwave station 4VEH for 40 days
1968 - Mick Jagger & Marianne Faithfull arrested for drug possession
French President Charles de GaulleFrench President Charles de Gaulle 1968 - French President Charles de Gaulle proposes referendum & students set fire to Paris bourse
1968 - FLQ separatists bomb the U.S. consulate in Quebec City.
1969 - Beatles' "Get Back" single goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 weeks
1970 - Donna Caponi Young wins LPGA Bluegrass Golf Invitational
1970 - Peter Green quits Fleetwood Mac to join a religious cult
1970 - The drilling of the Kola Superdeep Borehole begins in the Soviet Union.
1971 - A commuter bus plunges into Panama Canal, killing 38 of 43 aboard
1972 - Glasgow Rangers wins 12th Europe Cup II at Barcelona
1972 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1973 - Earl Jellicoe resigns as Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the Lords.
1974 - Dean Martin Show last airs on NBC-TV
1975 - Dutch government of De Uyl decides to obtain an F-16
1976 - 1st commercial SST flight to North America (Concorde to Wash DC)
1976 - Muhammad Ali TKOs Richard Dunn in 5 for heavyweight boxing title in Munich
1976 - In the Judgment of Paris, wine testers rate wines from California higher than their French counterparts, challenging the notion of France being the foremost producer of the world's best wines.
1977 - USSR President Podgorny resigns
1978 - Dutch Investment bill (WIR) law goes into effect
1979 - Billy Martin issues a public apology to Reno sportswriter Ray Hagar
1979 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1980 - "Rock Lobster" by B-52s hits #56
1980 - Iran rejects a call to World Court to release US hostages
1980 - Stanley Cup: NY Islanders beat Phila Flyers, 4 games to 2
1981 - Bobby Unser wins, loses, & wins a controversial Indy 500
1981 - Hostage situation ends at Central Bank in Barcelona Spain
1981 - Kathy Hite wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1982 - Liberation of Khorramshahr, Iranians recapture of the port city of Khorramshahr from the Iraqis during the Iran-Iraq War.
1983 - Fred Sinowatz succeeds Bruno Kreisky as chancellor of Austria
1983 - Supreme Court rules government can deny tax breaks to schools that racially discriminated against students
1984 - "Wiz" opens at Lunt Fontanne Theater NYC for 13 performances
1984 - Det Tigers win AL record 17th straight road game
1985 - "View to a Kill" premieres in US
1985 - -25) cyclone hits Bangladesh; about 10,000 die
British Prime Minister Margaret ThatcherBritish Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 1986 - Margaret Thatcher becomes 1st British PM to visit Israel
1986 - Reginald Huffstetler trod water for 985 hrs
1986 - Stanley Cup: Montreal Canadiens beat Calgary Flames, 4 games to 1
1987 - 33rd LPGA Championship won by Jane Geddes
1987 - Indianapolis 500: Al Unser Sr, 47, wins his 4th Indy 500
1988 - John Moschitta set record for fast talking: 586 words per minute
1988 - Porntip Nakhirunkanok, 19, of Thailand, crowned 37th Miss Universe
1988 - Power outage in Boston Garden in NHL's Stanley Cup finals
1988 - Section 28 is passed as law by Parliament in the United Kingdom.
1989 - "Indiana Jones & Last Crusade" premieres
1989 - AC Milan wins 34th Europe Cup 1 at Barcelona
1989 - French war criminal Paul Touvier arrested in monastery in Nice
1989 - NHL's NY Rangers fire GM & coach Phil Esposito
1989 - Weird Al Yankovic records his UHF soundtrack
1989 - NY Yankee hurler Lee Gutterman sets record of pitching 30-2/3 innings before giving up his 1st run of season
Parody Singer and Comedian Weird Al YankovicParody Singer and Comedian Weird Al Yankovic 1989 - Sonia Sutcliffe, wife of the Yorkshire Ripper, is awarded £600,000 in damages after winning a libel action against satyrical magazine Private Eye (later reduced to £60,000 on appeal) .
1990 - Andre Dawson receives a record 5 intentional walks in a game
1990 - Stanley Cup: Edmonton Oilers beat Boston Bruins, 4 games to 1
1990 - A car carrying American Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney explodes in Oakland, California, critically injuring both.
1992 - Indianapolis 500: Al Unser Jr.wins
1992 - Colleen Walker wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1992 - Pat Bradley wins J C Penney/LPGA Skins Game Golf Tournament
1992 - Despite trailing 7-1, NY Yanks tie Milwaukee Brewers & then score 1 in 9th to avoid 5th straight extra inning game
1993 - Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia after 30-year civil war
1993 - Kim Basinger files for bankruptcy to avoid paying $7.4M settlement
1993 - Kurd rebellion kills 33 soldiers & 5 citizens in Turkey
1994 - Poison singer Bret Michaels gets into a car crash
1996 - "Spy Hard" starring Leslie Nielsen is released
1997 - Actor Tim Allen arrested for drunk driving in Mich
1997 - STS 84 (Atlantis 19), lands
Comedian Tim AllenComedian Tim Allen 1997 - Telstar-5 Proton Launch, Successful
1998 - Indianapolis 500: Eddie Cheever Jr wins in 3:26:40.524 (233.604 km/h)
1999 - Venezuela enters the Antarctic Treaty System.
2000 - Israeli troops withdraw from southern Lebanon after 22 years of occupation.
2001 - Mountain climbing: 15-year-old Sherpa Temba Tsheri becomes the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest.
2001 - The Versailles wedding hall disaster in Jerusalem, Israel, kills 23 and injures over 200 in Israel's worst-ever civil disaster.
2001 - The Democrats gain control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 1994 when Senator James Jeffords of Vermont abandons the Republican Party and declares himself an independent.
2002 - Russia and the United States sign the Moscow Treaty.
2004 - North Korea bans mobile phones.
2009 - Indianapolis 500: Hélio Castroneves wins in 3:19:34.6427 (241.913 km/h)
2013 - Rafael Correa is sworn into a third term as President of Ecuador
<< 23rd May — Historical Events on this Day —25th May >>

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