Translation from English

Friday, May 23, 2014

Der Spiegel Online-

Europe's New Status Quo: 'Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle'

Europe's New Status Quo: 'Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle'
The crisis in Ukraine has ended Europe's long period of stability -- but what does that mean for its future? SPIEGEL speaks with three experts about Putin's plans for the region and why the EU needs to step up in order to survive. By Tobias Rapp and Gerhard Spörl more... Comment ]

A Continent in Motion What Conchita Wurst Tells Us About EU Identity

A Continent in Motion: What Conchita Wurst Tells Us About EU Identity
Europe has struggled for decades to forge a common identity -- and now the Continent's response to Putin, its battle against Google and the victory of drag queen Conchita Wurst at the Eurovision Song Contest all suggest that shared values are finally emerging. An Essay By Georg Diez more... Comment ]

A Heated Debate Are Climate Scientists Being Forced to Toe the Line?

A Heated Debate: Are Climate Scientists Being Forced to Toe the Line?
After joining a controversial lobby group critical of climate change, meteorologist Lennart Bengtsson claims he was shunned by colleagues, leading him to quit. Some scientists complain pressure to conform to consensus opinion has become a serious hindrance in the field. By Axel Bojanowski more... Comment ]

Essay We Ought To Be EU-Skeptic

Essay: We Ought To Be EU-Skeptic
In the run-up to the European election, we ought to be more skeptical of the EU. The union's fundamental design flaws could lead to its disintegration. An essay by former German President Roman Herzog. By Roman Herzog more... Comment ]

Flirting with Populism Is Germany's AFD a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?

Flirting with Populism: Is Germany's AFD a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
Bernd Lucke, the founder of the anti-euro Alternative for Germany party is often labelled as a dangerous right-wing populist. Now that the AFD is likely to win seats in the European Parliament on Sunday, he is trying to put on the friendliest face he can. By Barbara Supp more... Comment ]

Ukraine Election The Chocolate King Rises

Ukraine Election: The Chocolate King Rises
It would have seemed ludicrous just six months ago, but candy magnate Petro Poroshenko has now become the leading candidate in the Ukrainian election. The question remains: Is he an opportunist or a visionary? more... Comment ]

Polishing Its Image Anti-Euro Party Courts Gays, Women and Immigrants

Polishing Its Image: Anti-Euro Party Courts Gays, Women and Immigrants
The anti-euro Alternative for Germany is expected to win seats in the European Parliament this weekend. Its leaders are known for their outspoken positions against gays, gender equality and immigrants. They're singing a new tune this week, but is it genuine? By Melanie Amann more... Comment ]

Colombian President Santos 'Waging War Is More Popular than Negotiating'

Colombian President Santos: 'Waging War Is More Popular than Negotiating'
In a SPIEGEL interview, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos discusses upcoming elections, his government's peace talks with FARC and his hopes that the 50-year-old armed conflict will end this year. Interview Conducted By Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Helene Zuber more... Comment ]

Europe: 1, Google: 0 EU Court Ruling a Victory for Privacy

Europe: 1, Google: 0: EU Court Ruling a Victory for Privacy
A ruling by the European Union's highest court last week ordering Google to provide people with the right to be forgotten has generated fiercely divergent responses in the US and Europe. Germans are celebrating the decision, which buttresses privacy. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

A Distinct Lack of Excitement Battle for Brussels Less Than Tense

A Distinct Lack of Excitement: Battle for Brussels Less Than Tense
The candidates for president of the European Commission have run campaigns aimed at personalizing EU politics and boosting the democratic legitimacy of the post. But try as they might, public interest in the European elections remains tepid. By Gordon Repinski and Christoph Schult more... Comment ]

Soma Tragedy Erdogan Faces Fall-Out From Mine Disaster

Soma Tragedy: Erdogan Faces Fall-Out From Mine Disaster
Across Turkey, the grief sparked by the recent mining disaster in Soma is spiralling into anti-government outrage. Prime Minister Erdogan could end up paying for his insensitive response to the tragedy if he decides to run for president in August. more... Comment ]

'Risks' Snowden's Lawyer Expresses Concerns about Testimony

'Risks': Snowden's Lawyer Expresses Concerns about Testimony
Speculation has been brewing for weeks over whether Edward Snowden will testify against the NSA from Moscow or Germany. In a letter to a parliamentary investigative committee, his lawyer has said he will advise his client against speaking in Russia. By Hubert Gude and Jörg Schindler more... Comment ]

Unprotected in the East NATO Appears Toothless in Ukraine Crisis

Unprotected in the East: NATO Appears Toothless in Ukraine Crisis Photos
If Russia were to engage in military aggression in the Baltics, NATO would be unable to defend the region using conventional means. An internal report highlights weaknesses in the alliance. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Combatting the Crunch ECB Plans Negative Rate on Bank Deposits

Combatting the Crunch: ECB Plans Negative Rate on Bank Deposits
When it meets on June 6, SPIEGEL has learned, the European Central Bank may implement a negative interest rate for financial institutions seeking to park their money at the Frankfurt powerhouse. The move is aimed at spurring loans. By Christian Reiermann more... Comment ]
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A Symbol of Ukraine

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