Translation from English

Friday, April 24, 2015


Well, now that Spring is really coming in-- a ways from the really nice days of May but not  by that much--

I thought I would obey this article I read on some site on the internet and go and feed peas to the ducks in Central Park rather than bread.

The site said the bread was just "junk food" for the ducks and they needed fiber rich foods.  They suggested green peas would do the trick.

Well, I found some ducks on the nearest pond and left the peas on the shore near the water.

The ducks came out, looked at the peas quizically, and then went back into the water, unimpressed.

Well, maybe the trouble was I was using canned peas, or not enough peas... maybe if I had had a lot of fresh shelled peas for the ducks, they would have been more interested.

Anyway, I think the ducks have been turned into junk food junkies and therefore are turning up their noses, or bills, at better food. Just like humans do.

The Park is just beginning to really bloom now-- today was chilly-- but a lot of people for a weekday , and I ran into a couple of groups of school kids.

Hyacinths are at their highest point now

Tulips will be coming next..

What else can I try on those finicky, junk food addicted ducks?


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