ASYLUMHamburg expects a new influx of refugees

2015 figures higher than expected. By the end of the city needs to create 10,000 new places for accommodation. more

HSV BEFORE MAINZBruno Labbadia: "Names do not matter for me"

The HSV coach Bruno Labbadia has the Bundesliga Dino again breathed life. Now he prepares the team to Mainz. more

"READING WITHOUT NUCLEAR POWER"Grass Foundation will issue work diaries

Nina Hagen and other companions of the late Nobel laureate Günter Grass were on Sunday at the "renewables ... more

HASPA MARATHON 2015Marathon in Hamburg and champagne breakfast at kilometer 38

Despite the drizzle Hamburger celebrate their marathon runners with music, good food and vigorous cheers - not only at ... more

"LOW INSTINCTS"So the network responds to the last scene from Leipzig

The Ermittlerduo Saalfeld and Keppler were in "Tatort: ​​Low instincts" for the last time a complex case on the trail. The power ... more
Die große Rathaus-Sause wollen die Profis des FC Bayern München, hier beim Jubel nach dem 1:0-Sieg gegen hertha, nach Ende der Saison nachholen

BUNDESLIGABayern Munich takes 25 Championships note

"It's great, it feels good," said sporting director Sammer. A party falls at record champions but from because the Dortmund game seam. more

THALIA THEATERKracht "empire" celebrates premiere in Hamburg

On the presentational intensive two-hour stage version of the successful novel "Empire" by Christian Kracht responded the ... more

UPDATEDEARTHQUAKE IN NEPALdeath toll rises to 3200 - panic in severe aftershocks

With the earthquake in Nepal at least 3,200 people have been killed. A strong aftershock shook the region in the Himalayas. more

LEIPZIGcrane crashes into downtown to - construction worker dies

In the center of Leipzig, it has come in the morning to a spectacular crane accident. Here, a construction worker was killed. more
Die MS Europa wurde mit fünf Sternen zum elften Mal in Folge zum besten Schiff der Welt gekürt.

CRUISE BLOGBlind Date on the Sea: Captain, where are we heading?

Here determine with the passengers: Surprise cruise on the "Europa". The itinerary? No one knows. The adventure begins in ... more

COALITIONcoalition summit at the Chancellery treated BND Affair

The tips of Union and SPD have gathered for the first time since February, again at a coalition summit at the Federal Chancellery. more

TocotronicCONCERTcelebrating in Hamburg launches new album

The Hamburg-based band Tocotronic celebrated in Hamburg to start the small club tour. The new album will be released on May 1st. more

STEILSHOOPfire in Hamburg retirement home: Was it arson?

The fire hit arcs contrary: In the fire 43 residents are injured, 89 more sleep in a gym. more

SCHLESWIG-FLENSBURGage of five comes under fire in apartment building killed

QUICKBORNHours of demolition work - A7 released with delay

LOOKING FOR DANGEROn The Move with the carry out bump

The man who talks to the animals

Welcome to paradise on the lake

NEW ATTRACTIONtee in Norderstedt city park

Unsuccessful robbery in Norderstedt

A substation as big as ten football fields

WEDELgeese eat sheep the grass away

New memorial stone recalls bombing victims from 1945

Animals, tractors and tradition when cattle market

BARGFELD-STEGENAn entire village becomes a flea market

Municipalities encounter in refugee assistance to limits

Bargteheider shopping at shopping Sunday

MOTORSPORTMick Schumacher drives sensational podium

Michael Schumacher's son crowned his debut in the ADAC Formula 4 with a win. "I'm just so happy," says the 16-year-old. more
Der Auswärtsfluch hält an: Ewald Lienen und der FC St. Pauli haben auch beim 1. FC Heidenheim verloren

FIRST DIVISIONInjured Lienen will result "very, very bad"

Coach crashes when 1: 2 from St. Pauli in Heidenheim on the hand. Kiezkicker slip from the defeat to the last place. more

BOXINGKlitschko is frustrated by lackluster victory in New York

The fact remains that Klitschko can not convince in the US. After his lackluster victory in New York of Ukrainians was frustrated. more
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