It begins. The first salvo in the local net neutrality battle has been fired in Australia, with Optus saying it wants Netflix to pay to make sure its ...
Nearly 5000 Australians are expected to receive letters in the near future asking them some pointed questions about their online downloading habits, s...
Littered across the cosmos are massive, dead galaxies, containing roughly half the stars in the known Universe. Much about these cosmic graveyards rem...
The pursuit of lock picking is as old as the lock, which is itself as old as civilisation. But in the entire history of the world, there was only one ...
NASA really wants humans make it to Mars, and it also really wants to be the one that gets us there. In fact, NASA administrator Charles Bolden went s...
The Matrix was one of the best sci-fi action movies of all time and the rest of the trilogy had some of the most outrageously awesome action sequences...
Your typical 3D printer works by layering melted plastic to eventually build up a solid 3D object, but what happens when you swap plastic for fabrics?...
Here at the Inside 3D Printing show in New York City, I stumbled upon a treasure trove of 3D-printed movie props, printed on standard consumer printer...
What could the makers of Roomba and astronomers possibly be arguing over? This is the story of how an obscure slice of the electromagnetic spectrum be...
Many millions of people throughout the world will illegally download the fifth season of Game of Thrones, released today by HBO. Legally speaking, wha...
It sounds like a great idea: Grab a cleaving iceberg from the Greenland coast and live on it until it melts into the sea, getting a first-hand glimpse...
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