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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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Must-Read Stories: 15 Smartphone Battery Tricks that Actually Work – Here Are The States Where Americans Are Seeing Things – The 27 Hardest-Throwing Pitchers in MLB – How to Make Money in Real Estate – The Drinking Enthusiast's Guide to the Universe
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15 Smartphone Battery Tricks That Actually Work Â»

Does your smartphone barely make it to dinner on a single charge? We rounded up 15 of the best battery saving tricks from across the web. We also expose a few myths about battery charging and app closing.
See All 15 Tips for Saving Your Smartphone's Battery » Choose the Best Smartphone for You on SpecOut »
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Here Are The States Where Americans Are Seeing Things Â»

Whether you believe in extraterrestrials or not, there are some convinced of their existence—in fact, they claim to have seen them with their own eyes. By running geospatial analysis on approximately 38,000 reports, FindTheHome identified which states have the most UFO sightings per 100K people.
See If Your State Is a UFO Hotspot » Discover More About Places on FindTheHome »
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The 27 Hardest-Throwing Pitchers in MLB Â»

Everybody loves to watch a guy who can top 100 miles per hour on the radar gun. Well, everyone except the unfortunate soul in the batter’s box.
See The Countdown on PointAfter » Explore More MLB Player Profiles »
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How to Make Money in Real Estate Â»

Getting started in real estate investing can be expensive but lucrative. Review our investment and financing strategies to learn how you can begin.
Learn How to Get Started in Real Estate » Learn About Mortgage Rates on Credio »
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The Drinking Enthusiast's Guide to the Universe Â»

Introducing UnderTheLabel for Android. Compare a variety of different alcohol types and filter by price, user and expert reiews, and more. Use UnderTheLabel whether at the store or out on the town to find the story behind that old standby, or perhaps the secrets to a new favorite.
Don't Have Android? You Can Still Check Out UnderTheLabel Here »
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