Translation from English

Friday, April 24, 2015

Born /Died Today with Quotes- Born

"The best of men cannot suspend their fate:
The good die early, and the bad die late."

Daniel DeFoe
(??/??/1660 – 04/24/1731)
English writer 
Anthony Trollope"Life is so unlike theory."
Anthony Trollope
(04/24/1815 – 12/06/1882)
English writer 
Arthur Christopher Benson"I don't like authority. At least I don't like other people's authority."
A. C. Benson
(04/24/1862 – 06/17/1925)
English writer , brother of E. F. Benson 
Robert Penn Warren"Poets, we know, are terribly sensitive people, and in my observation one of the things they are most sensitive about is money."
Robert Penn Warren
(04/24/1905 – 09/15/1989)
US writer 
Leonard Lebitsky"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure."
Jack E. Leonard
(04/24/1911 – 05/10/1973)
US comic actor , to Ed Sullivan 
"I cannot say that Mailer was drunk the whole time he was on camera. I can only *hope* he was drunk."
Stanley J. Kaufman
(04/24/1916 – )
US filmmaker , on author Norman Mailer's acting in the film 'Wild 90' 
Willem de Kooning"The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time."
Willem de Kooning
(04/24/1924 – 03/19/1997)
Dutch-US artist 
Shirley MacLean Beaty"I've made so many movies playing a hooker that they don't pay me in the regular way any more. They leave it on the dresser."
Shirley MacLaine
(04/24/1934 – )
US actor (sister of Warren Beatty) 
Finley Peter Dunne"Don't jump on a man unless he's down."
Finley Peter Dunne
(07/10/1867 – 04/24/1936)
Irish writer 
Sue Grafton"If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them."
Sue Grafton
(04/24/1940 – )
US writer 
Richard M. Daley, Jr."[I propose to create a] Commission on Erections and Mounting."
Richard M. Daley, Jr.
(04/24/1942 – )
US mayor (Chicago) (son of Richard J. Daley) 
Barbra Streisand"Why is it men are permitted to be obsessed about their work, but women are only permitted to be obsessed about men?"
Barbra Streisand
(04/24/1942 – )
US singer, actor (was married to Elliott Gould) 
Lucy Maud Montgomery"There are so many unpleasant things in the world already that there is no use in imagining any more."
Lucy Maud Montgomery
(11/30/1874 – 04/24/1942)
Canadian writer (Anne of the Green Gables) 
Willa Cather"I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do."
Willa Cather
(12/07/1873 – 04/24/1947)
US writer 
"I don't happen to belong to that branch of the sheep family that will follow a belwether over a precipice."
John Ashbrook
(09/21/1928 – 04/24/1982)
US Rep (OH) 
Pat Paulsen"If Iowa is the 'heart' land, what part of the human body is Los Angeles? "
Pat Paulsen
(07/06/1927 – 04/24/1997)
US comic, presidential candidate 
Josephine Esther Mentzer"If you don't sell, it's not the product that's wrong, it's you."
Estee Lauder
(07/01/1908 – 04/24/2004)
US cosmetician 
Sathyanarayana Raju"Life is a bridge over the sea of changes. Do not build a house on it."
Sathya Sai Baba
(11/23/1926 – 04/24/2011)
Indian guru 

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