Translation from English

Friday, June 14, 2013

Spooky Carter Watches

Many people think of the big cats...panthers, leopards, "power animals." Maybe that's the idea behind these window displays at Cartier's. Beautiful looking watches...sorry window reflection barred me from getting in close...

It has been my luck that some disaster has befallen every really good watch I have ever known, without fail. At some point I gave up and decided not just to stick to Casio's, but also just the watches that had the features (like day of the week and date) on them that I wanted....and not a whole lot of bells and whistles I would never use.

I tell myself what I lose in status by not wearing more expensive watches I gain in safety-- I am less likely to be targeted by a pickpocket or mugged...( but if you stay out of the wrong areas, your chances of getting mugged in NYC are pretty slim these days, especially if you are not out late at night after crowds have thinned...of course, where I live in Midtown, there is never a lack of people on the street, which may not make it safer, but makes you feel that way.

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